
2009-06-04 4:39 am
旁白: 在某一年的夏天,一班農民從農村出省到動物園參觀
導遊: 我們現在到了XX動物園,現在是自由活動時間,請大家在下午4時前回到這裡集合,我會帶大家去參觀鎮園之寶--大猩猩
媽咪: 呀b,你看看那是獅子
阿b: 媽媽,那隻獅子很嚇人,很兇猛
媽咪: 是呀!你要乖點兒,不然我叫它食掉你!
阿b: 不要呀!我會乖的
媽咪: 好勁呀
阿b: 好急呀!!
媽咪: 阿b!你在做什麼?
阿b: 媽咪……
女: 那只熊貓很可愛呀!
男: 是呀!!真是很可愛.
女: 我要買一隻大熊貓公仔
男: 無問題
管理員: 先生,你剛才的行為已經觸犯了法例
女: 好累呀!!不如我們坐下休息下吧!
男: 好提議!就這裏吧!
女: 好呀!
清潔工人: 你們不可以亂扔垃圾,現在罰你們掃地1小時
男: Oh
旁白: 隨地扔垃圾,可被罰款600
媽咪: 差不多時間集合
男: Honey,現在已經4點我們去集合吧!
導遊: 大家都到齊了嗎?
全部: 齊
導遊: 現在就和大家去看鎮園之寶大猩猩,好我們現在就行到了
馴獸師: 大家好,這就是鎮園之寶大猩猩,它很聽話的
女: 真的很可怕,很大隻
阿b: 好驚呀媽咪
馴獸師: 不要這樣我請你食蕉
旁白; 男的傷勢最重,現在他們在醫院接受治療
女: 醫生,他怎麼樣
醫生: 他多處骨折,差點兒無命
男: 經過這次之後我決定戒煙
媽咪: 呀b你長大了不要學這些人
阿b: 知道啦
旁白: 請大家注重個人衛生,保護環境

回答 (2)

2009-06-04 4:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
Voice-over: the summer in a given year, a group of peasants from the countryside to visit the province to the zoo
Greeter: Welcome to the zoo XX.
Guide: We are now the XX Zoo, it is free time, let us in before 16 o'clock set back here, I will take everyone to visit the treasures of the town park - gorillas
Mommy: Yes b, that is you look at the Lions
Ah b: Mom, it is very scary lion is ferocious
Mommy: Yes! You want something good, or eat out, I called you!
Ah b: not me! I will be well-behaved the
Mummy:Very interesting
Ah b: better hurry!!
Better hurry!! To the urine side of the lawn it!
Manager: Miss! That it is your child?
Mommy: Ah b! What are you doing?
Ah b: Mommy ... ...
Voice Over: anywhere urinating affect the environment, do not let your child urinate everywhere.
M: That you very lovely pandas!
M: Yes!! Really cute.
M: I want to buy a giant panda doll
M: no problem
Manager: Sir, you have just the act has been breached the law
Voice Over: spitting is liable to a fine of 600
F: tired you!! Not as good as we sit down and rest, are you!
M: good suggestion! On here now!
M: Do you water it? Musicians have card B, you eat it?
F: Great!
Cleaning: you can not throw garbage, now you losing 1 hour penalty
M: Oh
Voice-over: throw garbage anywhere is liable to a fine of 600
Mummy: almost time to set
M: Honey, We now have 4 points to set it!
Guide: As we all here?
All: Qi
Guide: Now you see the treasures of the town of Park gorillas, so we are now on the line to the
Animal trainer: Good, that is, the treasures of the town of Park gorillas, it is very obedient
M: really terrible, just great
Ah b: good surprise you Mommy
Animal trainer: I ask you not to eat banana
Narration; most seriously wounded men, and now they are receiving treatment in hospital
Women: doctors, like how he
Doctors: multiple fractures of his almost non-life
M: After this I decided to quit after
Mummy: b you grow up you do not study these people
Ah b: to know you
小了旁白: 請大家注重個人衛生,保護環境

2009-06-03 20:53:50 補充:
旁白: 請大家注重個人衛生,保護環境:Voice Over: Let us pay attention to personal hygiene, environmental protection
參考: 冇
2009-06-04 12:06 pm
Narrativ In a summer of a particular year, a group of farmers came to visit the zoo from the village.
Receptionist: Welcome to the XX zoo.
Tour guide: Now we are in the XX zoo. Currently is the time at your leisure, please come back here at 4pm, so I can take you to see the treasure of this zoo – Gorilla.
Mommy: Ah B, look at that, that’s a lion.\
Ah B: Mommy, the lion is very fierce.
Mommy: Yes, you have to be good, or else it will eat you up.
Ah B: Don’t, I will be good.
Mommy: Bingo!
Ah B: Very urgent!
Mommy: Go to pee in the grassland over there.
Keeper: Miss, is that child yours?
Mommy: Ah B, what are you doing?
Ah B: Mommy.
Narrative: Pee anywhere will affect the environment, please do not let your child to pee anywhere.
Female:” The panda is very lovely.
Male: Yes, it’s very lovely indeed.
Female: I want a panda doll.
Male: No problem.
Keeper: Your behavior had violated the law.
Narrative: To spit on the floor can be fined up to 600.
Female: Very tired, let’s sit down and take a rest.
Male: Good suggestion, let’s sit here.
Male: Do you want to drink water? I have Ka Lok B, do you want to eat?
Female: Yes.
Janitor: Do not litter anywhere, or else you will be punished for cleaning the floor for an hour.
Male: Oh.
Narrative: Litter anywhere can be fined up to 600.
Mommy: It’s time to gather.
Male: Honey, now it’s four o’clock already. Let’s go to the gathering.

2009-06-04 04:07:42 補充:
Tour guide: Is everybody here?
Total: Yes.
Tour guide: Now I will take you guys to see the treasure of the zoo – Gorilla.
Animal trainer: Hello everybody, this is the Gorilla which is very obedient.

2009-06-04 04:07:43 補充:
Tour guide: Is everybody here?
Total: Yes.
Tour guide: Now I will take you guys to see the treasure of the zoo – Gorilla.
Animal trainer: Hello everybody, this is the Gorilla which is very obedient.

2009-06-04 04:08:00 補充:
Female: It looks so scary.
Ah B: I am very afraid.
Animal trainer: Don’t be like that. I will let you eat a banana.
Narrative: The injury is serious for the male, they are both under treatment in the hospital.
Female: Doctor, how’s it doing?
Doctor: He had a lot of fractures, almost lost his life.

2009-06-04 04:08:17 補充:
Male: I will quit smoking after this time.
Mommy: Ah B, please do not follow their pattern when you grow up.
Ah B: Got it.
Narrative: Attention everybody, please be cautious about personal hygiene and protect the environment.

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