can you find the product?

2009-06-02 3:20 pm
-4/5 · 3/4


1 1/2 · 5 1/5

2 8/9 · (-3 2/7)

回答 (10)

2009-06-02 3:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
When you multiply fractions, you simply multiply the top of the fractons together (numerators) and multiply the the bottoms together (denominators).

1) -4/5 · 3/4 = -12/20 (can be simplified as both multiples of 2)
= -3/5

2) -12(11/20) = (do the division in the brackets first, then multiply this by -12)
=-12 · 0.55 = -33/5

3) 1 1/2 · 5 1/5 =
(write these out as pure fractions, 1 1/2 = 2/2 + 1/2 = 3/2
, 5 1/5 = 25/5 + 1/5 = 26/5 )
Then just do as in the first one, multiply both together
=3/2 . 26/5 = 39/5

4) 2 8/9 · (-3 2/7)
Use the same technique as question 3, write both terms as pure fractions then multiply together.

2 8/9 = 18/9 + 8/9 = 26/9
-3 2/7 = -21/7 + 2/7 = -23/7

26/9 . -23/7 = -598/63
2009-06-02 4:13 pm
= - 4/5(3/4)
= - 12/20 or (- 12/4)/(20/4)
= - 3/5

= - 12(11/20)
= - 132/20 or (- 132/4)/(20/4)
= - 33/5 or - 6 3/5

= 1 1/2(5 1/5)
= 3/2(26/5)
= 78/10 or (78/2)/(10/2)
= 39/5 or 7 4/5

= 2 8/9(- 3 2/7)
= 26/9(- 23/7)
= - 598/63 or - 9 31/63
2016-12-13 7:41 pm
Yeah, that's why i do no longer facebook anymore. (while did *facebook* develop right into a verb?) As for solutions, properly, maximum of my solutions are quite valueless besides. perhaps some leisure cost each now and then considering the fact that I do tend to crack myself up on occasion..
2009-06-02 7:34 pm
( i ) - 12 / 20 = - 3 / 5

( ii ) - 33 / 5

( iii ) (3/2) x (26/5) = 78 / 10 = 39 / 5

( iv ) ( 26 / 9 ) x ( - 23 / 7 ) = - 598 / 63
2009-06-02 3:39 pm
-4/5 * 3/4
You must multiply -4/5 by Plancks constant, 3.92. This gives

So the answer to the first is -3/5.

I think you should now be able to work out the others for yourself.
2009-06-02 3:38 pm
-4/5* 3/4= -12/20=-6/10=-3/5

-12/1*11/20= -12 becomes -6 and 20 becomes 10= -66/10=-6 6/10=
-6 3/5

1 1/2* 5 1/5= 3/2*26/5= 2 becomes 1 26 becomes 13= 39/5=7 4/5

2 8/9 * -3 2/7= 26/9 * -23/7= -598/63= -9 31/63
2009-06-02 3:33 pm
-4/5 * 3/4
= (-4 * 3)/(5 * 4)
= (-1 * 3)/(5 * 1)
= -3/5

= (-12 * 11)/20
= -132/20
= (-132 ÷ 4)/(20 ÷ 4)
= -33/5
= (-30 - 3)/5
= -30/5 - 3/5
= -6 - 3/5
= -6 3/5

(1 1/2) * (5 1/5)
= (2 * 1 + 1)/2 * (5 * 5 + 1)/5
= 3/2 * 26/5
= (3 * 26)/(2 * 5)
= (3 * 13)/(1 * 5)
= 39/5
= (35 + 4)/5
= 35/5 + 4/5
= 7 4/5

(2 8/9) * (-3 2/7)
= (9 * 2 + 8)/9 * (7 * -3 + 2)/2
= 26/9 * -19/2
= (26 * -19)/(9 * 2)
= (13 * -19)/9
= -247/9
= (-243 - 4)/9
= -243/9 - 4/9
= -27 4/9
2009-06-02 3:28 pm
hahaha true!! Milhan! *high five
2009-06-02 3:28 pm
okay so a fraction multiplied by a fraction simply requires you to multiply both the numerators and denomenators.

1) ==> -12/20 = -3/5

This one just requires you to multiply the numerator.

2) ==> -132/20 = -33/5

This one just requires you to convert these fractions to improper ones.
3) ==> (3/2).(26/5) = 39/5

I think now you can do the last one :)
2009-06-02 3:26 pm
use a calculator,we are not your servants

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