
2009-06-03 7:05 am
1.I haven't leisure time to do so

2.Is he supposed to be here?

3.I was/I Were...?

4.So how does a man your age get marriaged
and divorced three times?

5.Big fortune of yours

回答 (3)

2009-06-03 8:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.I haven't leisure time to do so
這句文法不對。Have 在這句是普通 verb,所以可以有 noun (leisure) 跟着。普通 verb 是不能加 n't (或 not) 去變為 negative 的,而須要使用助動詞 ( auxiliary verb), 例如 don't:
I don't have leisure time to do so.
I don't have a million dollars.
如果一定要用 haven't,就要用它作 auxiliary verb,再加上一個普通動詞 (verb), 例如:
I haven't got leisure time to do so.
I haven't got a million dollars.

2.Is he supposed to be here?
呢句既 be係個 infinitive 裏面個 basic verb form. "to be here" 係個 infinitive phrase, 去形容個 participle adjective (supposed). 呢句個 verb 係 "is", 個 noun 係 "he"。

3.I was/I Were...?
只係 I was 先得。
I were 只可以响 if I were 假設句中使用。

4.So how does a man your age get marriaged
and divorced three times?
get 同 married兩個字可放在一起因為 get 係 verb,married 係 adjective. 呢種 verb + ing 嘅 adjective 叫 participle,都好常用嘅。
He got shot (shot is adjective)
He got hit by a car (hit is adjective)

5.Big fortune of yours
your要加s 因為在這裏用作 nominative possessive personal pronoun.
Your big fortune = big fortune of yours
your brother = that brother of yours
your car = that car of yours
my car = that car of mine
Which of these two cars go faster, yours or mine ?

參考: self
2009-06-04 6:49 am


2009-06-03 8:15 am
1.I haven't leisure time to do so
你可以咁寫 :
I have not had leisure time to do so.
I do not have leisure time to do so.
如果用have, 便要咁寫 :
I have no leisure time to do so.

2.Is he supposed to be here?
單一個'be', 佢係verb(動詞), 但一小句裏面, 我哋唔可以多過一個動詞, 已經有 'is', 就用'to'去將另一個動詞改變 'to be' ,你可以係好多句子都找到類似做法 :
e.g. I was surprised at his inability to understand.
One day a man went to see a psychiatrist.
'here' 係名詞, 意思係 ' 這裡'

3.I was/I Were...?
係文法上, 'was' 係 'is' 同 'am' 的過去或, 正常會用 'I was', 但用在假設, 你會用 'If I were you,......'

4.So how does a man your age get marriaged
and divorced three times?
應該係 'married', 唔係 'marriaged' , 'married' 係形容詞(你查一查字典就知), 'marriage' 係名詞

5.Big fortune of yours
'yours' 既解釋係 '您的'

有啲字, 你要動手在字典裏看看, 再看看例句, 會幫到你明白為何會咁用。

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