
2009-06-03 2:36 am
唔該同我搵"A natural disaster"既資料~

1.Waht is it?How was it formed?


回答 (1)

2009-06-03 5:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
A natural disaster 例如: 海嘯,,地震,,火山爆發
火山爆發(Volcanic eruption)
1.First,sinking convection currents drag a continental plate and a oceanic plate moving towards each other.
2.When two plates collide,it produces compressional force.
3.Then,some oceanic crust will be pushed into the magma.
4.Then,those oceanic crust will be melted in the subducted zone.
5.Some magma will be rised along the line of weakness to release a great deal of energy.
6.Submarine volcanoes will be formed under the sea.
7.Finally,those submarine volcanoes will be rised above the sea level to form volcanic island irc.

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