Help,20pts,Interesting Problem

2009-06-02 8:33 pm
Has technology encouraged communication and made our lives more efficient? Or has isolated us and made our lives more complicated? Ples describe your point of views and please reply English !

簡單用中文講一次, 你覺得宜家既科技係方便了我們還是張我們變得孤立? 舉一個例子, 我本人生於1987年, 在我小時候, 大約七歲, 八歲, 我常常和我的鄰居玩樂, 所以我整層的鄰居都認識, 但現在的小朋友因為有了電腦, 雖然這不代表沒有跟鄰居玩, 但肯定的是小朋友會多在家中玩電腦, 所以會與鄰居的關係疏遠, 孤立了自己, 正正就是"這麼近, 那麼遠", 住得雖很近, 但卻很少說話!

回答 (1)

2009-06-02 11:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The Era Of Technology
Nowaday,there are a wide range of technologies available for us to communicate closely not simply with our friends but with entire world. This is what we meant the "Globalisation"(全球化)which makes our world smaller than before. Technologies we use today including 3G phone,Blog,Facebook, Global Positioning System(GPS) and YouTube which anable us to communicate with the world closely and effectively. Today if we want to deliver a message to the world, you could create your own video or short film and pose it on to the platform such as "YouTube" which enable everyone in the world to watch your video then give you some comment on it. This is now a period of sharing electronically. Every detail could be put online including your personal diary which record the things you did everyday.
Personally, I think technologies improve our way of live dramactically. They enable us to communicate efficiently and conveniently. However, it also has negative impact on the society in which we are living. They are the commercial crime associated with computer. There are more fraud case done by the computer since 1996 which is a big increase on financial organised crime. For example, "Enron"case 2001 in USA has drawn the attention from all around world as to how to use computer properly and safely.
Moreover,computer also enable us to chat online and play online game everytime we wish. There are more reported cases of teenagers spending the period of time on computer exceeding the standard required. Fianlly, they become obsessed with computer and isolated form the rest of the community. They need medical attention as a result of the obsession.
In conclusion, I think computer did make our live easier and more interesting but it is also essential that we have to use it carefully and properly. We have to set up a schedule/time limitation for our usage on computer in order to make us mentally healthier on using PC.
參考: PC World 2008(Textbook)

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