Britain's got talent
長寫係: Britain has got talent。係 present perfect tense.
"has got" 解作 "擁用"
全句嘅意思係 "英國有 talent 架"。咁呢個節目就係俾機會呢 d talent 去俾人發掘到。
Britain gets talent 嘅意思係英國依家得到 talent。好似啱啱响第二個國家得番來咁。所以意思同 Britain's got talent 唔同。 唔啱用。
2009-06-02 21:22:26 補充:
Britain has talent 呢句都得。
意思跟 Britain's got talent 差不多。
個人覺得 Britain's got talent 對於擁有 talent 的語氣畧為強調一點。
2009-06-03 05:52:32 補充:
個人覺得 has got 確是 get 的 persent perfect tense,意思和 has 的 simple present tense 差不多,但卻不等於說 has got 是 simple present tense.
get 解 [去取得];has got 解 [己經得到了],很明顯是 [現在完成式] present perfect tense。 不過 [己經得到了] 相等於 [擁有], 意思和 has (解有) 的 simple preent tense 差不多。
2009-06-03 06:01:22 補充:
但是, 與其說 has got = has,所以當是 simple present tense,不如說 has 雖然是 simple present tense, 但因為本身解 [有了],卻有 present perfect tense 的作用。
2009-06-03 06:02:07 補充:
Has got 有時用作 idiom,解作 must。例如: "I am late, I have got to go"。在這情形下,have got = have,而並不等於 get 的 present perfect tense,所以,當是 simple present tense. 不過,Britain's got talent 的 [has got] 並不是 idiom。
2009-06-04 10:48:01 補充:
2009-06-04 10:49:12 補充:
In American English, “have got” is an intensive form of “have” (2). For example, if I say, “I’ve got a really big TV,” I’m placing more emphasis on my possession of the TV than if I say, “I have a really big TV.”
2009-06-04 10:50:44 補充:
Have got” also has another meaning: to indicate necessity or obligation. Saying, “have got” is a little stronger than saying, “must” (5). So if I’m running late, I might tell my friend, “I have got to go now,” with the emphasis on the word “got.”
2009-06-04 11:34:13 補充:
2009-06-04 11:35:20 補充:
You are quite right in assuming that have got is “something like an expression”. But it is also an expression that originated in the present perfect of the verb to get. Hence, it takes the form of the present perfect but, in most cases anyway, has present tense meaning.
2009-06-04 23:23:18 補充:
同意 hahatze 君所說,主流文法將 "have" 和 "have got" 同樣當作 simple present tense。其實不但是古德明先生和文法學者 michael Swan,hahatze 君本身的文法知識就極高,我曾獲益不少。shumcheechoy 君過慮了,討論文法是分享和學習的過程,通常沒有人會去得罪人,亦不會覺得被得罪的。
2009-06-06 07:03:20 補充:
多謝 hahatse 和 shumcheechoy 兩位。