industrial revolution

2009-06-02 2:57 pm
我想知一d 系industrial revolution期間所發明既野

註: important inventions or discoveries

一定要係對industrial revolution有影響 or very important

回答 (1)

2009-06-03 4:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
thing that discovered or invented during industrial revolution:

紡織方面 [textile]
1.the Spinning Jenny--invented by Hargreave
2.the Spinning Mule--invented by Crompton
3.the Water Frame--invented by Arkwright
4.the Power Loom--invented by Cartwright

新能源 [New source of power]:
1.electricity--invented byEdison-- eg.light bulb

交通 [transport] :
2.steamship--invented by Fulton
3.steam-powered locomotive[蒸汽火車]--invented by stephenson
4.single-cylinder engine--invented by Benz

通訊方面 [Communication]:
1.Electric telegraph[電報機]--Morse code[犘斯密碼]
--invented by Morse
2.wireless telegraph[無線電報機]--by Marconi
3.postal system--invented by British
4.telephone--invented by Bell

醫學 [medicine]:
1.inoculation of cowpox~prevent of smallpox--D. byJenner
[接種牛痘] [預防天花]
2.chloroform~anesthesia[痳醉劑]--I. by Simpson
3.Pasteurization[巴斯德殺菌法]~kill germs--I. by Pasteur
4.X-rays--I. by Roentgen
5.Radium[鐳]~treat cancer--D. by Pierre Curie+Marie Curie
參考: Hist BK

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