If the religious thought that god created adam and eve...?

2009-06-02 6:21 am
then doesn't that mean that there would be a hell of a lot of incest going on? especially in the early years...Adam must have slept with his daughters, eve must have slept with her sons, and brothers and sisters would have been going at it too...........

if valirie chan kim is right, then god messed up right from the get go....

回答 (16)

2009-06-02 6:34 am
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Yep!! Good argument against special creation.

Not to mention, yet again the gene pool was constricted to Noah and his family at the time of the Flood. Apart from all the other problems (e.g., how do you feed elephants, lions, tigers, gazelles, cats, mice, rats, dogs, etc.), what about building a population of millions from an initial population of eight? Our genetic code shows that can't have happened.
2009-06-02 1:24 pm
They'll make up excuses like "it was normal back then". Besides if Adam and Eve were the first people we would have died out from inbreeding.
2009-06-02 1:27 pm
Well they still do that today. There's only so much tail they can get at their trailer park.
2009-06-02 1:29 pm
...only if you take Genesis literally, and assume that God really didn't create any other people along with Adam and Eve.
2009-06-02 1:27 pm
it wouldn't necessarily mean that parents were sleeping with their children, but it would require a whole lot of incest.
2009-06-02 1:26 pm
The bible does not say God did not create anybody else after adam and eve. The story is about them and their family. He could have created tribes, next door.
2009-06-02 8:05 pm
technically, no, only a single act of incest would HAVE to occur for what is regarded BIBLICALLY as incest

Adam and Eve have Cain, Abel, and daughters, Abel gets killed, not having children, or so the assumption, and Cain screws his sister.....no one said Cain was righteous........then Seth, the third son of Adam and Eve gets together with one of Cains daughters, and in the bible, the is acceptable........a man CAN be married to his niece, and there is nothing wrong with it

aside from that, as a believer in Genesis, the Torah does NOT say that Adam was the first, nor does it say that he was the only.........Genesis chapter 1 speaks of the creation of man, many BELIEVE that to have been Adam, but in all translations i have seen, NONE of them say "and God said let us make Adam in our image....." it says let us make MAN.............Adam is the Hebrew word for man, and thus, aLOT of confusion can occur

simply put, there is no reason to assume that this "adam" in Genesis 1 was Adam from the Garden of Eden...........neither is there reason to assume that God created Adam and then stopped

end of the story is this.............the text is ambiguious at best, and the fact is, whether in reality, Genesis 1 was Adam from the Garden or if Adam from the Garden was the 5th of 5000th man created, it really make no difference to me in the way i live my life...............so, i take LITERALLY what the text says, trying my hardest to remove from myself, any preconceived notions about what i THINK the text is saying
2009-06-02 1:34 pm
What is the good of wondering about what you cannot know? Until you experience the beginning you won't know the beginning. If you think time is real then you are stuck in time so will never know the beginning. Stop postulating to no end about what cannot be known people.
For those who believe, God said, "In the beginning, I AM." Therefor time has got to be apparent and not linear. As the Indian mystics have said, History gives a sense of reality to time. It is a misnomer.
2009-06-02 1:32 pm
valari misses the point paul mentions that gets girls hacked off ... it was the woman who sinned first.. not adam
2009-06-02 1:25 pm
No. God Created more people.

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