What would be your idea of an ultimate way to kill a Zombie?

2009-06-01 7:06 pm

回答 (60)

2009-06-01 7:11 pm
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Shoot them!!( if i had a gun) or take somthing like a bat and fling it at them or throw something heavy or glass at them....mayb i would run aftr tht
2009-06-01 7:09 pm
Make it watch Twilight 6 times straight.
2009-06-01 7:09 pm
Fill it with popcorn kernels and toss it in giant microwave.
2009-06-01 7:28 pm
That depends on the zombie really, you have three main types, walkers, runners and brutes. Walkers feed off of the easy kills, Runners chase people and track down kills, and brutes rip people apart with super "human" strength and are harder to kill (think about a huge guy on a lot of PCP).
For the walkers, just lop of the head with katana and your fine. Runners come pretty quick and you need something more than even the best katana has to offer. A naginata or a scythe would be good, you can more quickly and keep them at a distance while taking off a few heads in one clean cut. For the brutes you need a shotgun, blow the head apart from a distance, but make sure you have lots of ammo and can reload quickly. I recommend an AA 11 automatic shotgun with multiple 30 round drum clips.
If you wanna get rid of all of them as quickly as possible then bomb them. Clear out all the humans and blow the buggers to smithereens.
2009-06-01 7:10 pm
katana to the head
2009-06-01 7:09 pm
put it into a tree grinder and then take all of the pieces and burn them then go to china and bury them 50 ft under the ground
2009-06-01 7:09 pm
That would be overkill;-)
2009-06-01 7:09 pm
Torch it with a flame thrower
2009-06-01 7:09 pm
In every zombie movie I ever saw you shoot them in the head.
2009-06-01 7:09 pm
You have to shoot them through the head so that way.
2009-06-01 7:08 pm
snipe its head off
2009-06-01 7:09 pm
Have an invisible cape, like the one in Harry Potter, and then come from behind it and press an air horn and freak it out, oh man that would be funny..

Then throw boiling pepperoni slices in its eyes..
2009-06-01 7:55 pm
Let it meet my ex wife..that thing could scare anything to death
2009-06-01 7:18 pm
cut them up with my katana
2009-06-01 7:17 pm
turn a refrigerator into a bomb and blow them up!
2009-06-01 7:16 pm
2009-06-01 7:15 pm
Zombie size microwave oven. Cook him from the inside/out! lol.
2009-06-01 7:11 pm
Fill it with balloons then make them explode.
2009-06-01 7:11 pm
To be able to cut its head off with a nice sword (seems i dont own any guns) but for there to be few of them and all walking slow =P.

I wanna feel the flesh slice over the blade and the first chip into the vertabrai and then feel the release off presure when my sword reaches the other side of the neck =P
2009-06-01 7:11 pm
In movies, it's often by beheading them, and I could never understand that concept because aren't zombies suppose to be thoughtless?

So my ultimate way to kill a zombie is to stop staring at the mirror and get some sleep.
2009-06-01 7:10 pm
.50 caliber machine gun, give 'em two in the chest and one in the head.
2009-06-01 7:10 pm
magic laser beam eyes
2009-06-01 7:10 pm
i'd show him/her a picture of cellar door lmfao
2009-06-01 7:10 pm
a rabid Penguin
2009-06-01 7:10 pm
im glad u asked...chop its head of with a samaria sword or repeatedly whack it with a spade
2009-06-01 7:10 pm
2009-06-01 7:10 pm
shotgun to their head.
2009-06-01 7:10 pm
shrink him and step on him with cleats on ;o)
2009-06-01 7:09 pm
2009-06-01 7:09 pm
Cut 'em into pieces and burn 'em.
2009-06-01 7:09 pm
well burning come to mind first but i think i would like to eat all of the organs or feed them to my dogs so there would be nothing left. could this cause us to be zombies?
2009-06-01 7:09 pm
Sit him down to watch the entire re-run of BGT. That'll sort him!
2009-06-01 7:09 pm
the tried and true method - shotgun to the head.

although, swords would be fun.
2009-06-01 7:09 pm
batter it with a baseball bat
2009-06-01 7:09 pm
the only way you gotta blow its head off with a 12gauge
2009-06-01 7:08 pm
Monster truck :P
2009-06-01 7:23 pm
well first you'll need a tire, a machete and a sugar cube
1. Use the sugar cube to lour the zombie to the tier
2. let the zombie chew on the tier until he gets tired and falls asleep.
3. use the machete to kill the zombie by removing the head
(remember to use a slashing motion not a stabbing one)
4. mount the head on your mantel for all to enjoy! :)
2009-06-01 7:10 pm
Put his head in a blender, if he survives put lemon in his eyes...everyone hates that :)
2009-06-01 7:10 pm
Don't feed it XD
2009-06-01 7:09 pm
Turn off the TV
2009-06-01 7:09 pm
make it watch every episode of big brother!!
2009-06-01 7:11 pm
Make it watch 3-4 hours of Obama's speeches.
2009-06-01 7:09 pm
A stake through the heart (or is that vampires...?)
2009-06-01 7:09 pm
To make them eat my toe.

EDIT: why am I getting thumbs down people!?
2009-06-01 7:09 pm
Dead people are zombies, zombies are already dead. HAHA.
2009-06-02 6:53 am
i wouldnt i would try to reason with him lol
2009-06-01 9:09 pm
Let them watch a party political broadcast of..... no, answer, they are all on the fiddle.
2009-06-01 8:27 pm
Blow my cigarette smoke in their faces my friend,and hope they have a coffin bout.
2009-06-01 7:13 pm
1. electrocution
2. tornado
3. buried alive
4. antidote to zombitism
5. bombs in the ribcage
6. guillotine gun.
7. cyanide laser sword.
8. black hole bombs.
9. exorcism.
2009-06-01 7:10 pm
Maybe if Kylie turned into a zombie and I shagged her so hard that her head popped off, that would be best...
2009-06-01 7:10 pm
I would go to Bi-Mart because its a fortress and they have guns and steel roll down doors. LOL (some guy at Taco Bell told me that...he was an employ!)
2009-06-01 7:10 pm
Leave the planet, nuke it, come back later.
2009-06-01 7:09 pm
Shoot, Stab, or Sever the head! :) Zombies = ♥
2009-06-01 7:09 pm
blind it with my gorgeousness :L jks :P
2009-06-01 7:09 pm
eat the zombie!!
2009-06-01 7:09 pm
Decapitate it and remove all its limbs
2009-06-01 7:09 pm
blows his brains out n your face
2009-06-01 7:09 pm
Chop its head off ☺
2009-06-01 7:12 pm
I'd dress up like a zombie of the opposite sex (assuming that's it's preference) and take it on a date. I'd slowly let the zombie fall in love with me. Then, just when things are going great, I'd purposely go and contract zombie AIDS. Then on our wedding night, I'd give myself to the zombie and then it would be no more zombie. Ha ha ha! Victory is mine~!
2009-06-01 7:09 pm
burn it with an extinguished fire

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