我讀緊asso year1,咩方法可以快d讀完degree?

2009-06-02 3:09 am
我宜家讀緊asso year 1...不過gpa唔係太好...得2.8到....
我想問我應唔應該宜家放棄讀asso去讀open u?
同埋我宜家已經夠21歲....定係讀part time degree好呢?

回答 (3)

2009-06-02 6:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
A lot of people have a misunderstanding that they think each program is independent and with no relationship with others (e.g. HD, Associate, Top-Up, Part-time, and so on).

All universities recognize all your prior study in some extend. For example, if you complete a Associate in Business Administration, you may not required to take certain classes to complete your Bachelor of Business Administration. We call this credit recognition or transfer.

However, the only issue is how many units can be transferred.

So I think what you should do is talk to someone (I mean school official) regarding your associate degree. They may be able to recognize some or all credit after you have finished associate degree.

Don't give up on your associate degree yet...

2009-06-02 6:36 am
Aston Institute(教育局註冊編號:553611)有個Advanced Diploma超正, 由F.5到大學grad唔使3年

F.5只要讀20個月/F.7只要讀16個月, 若有豁免更只要8個月就可以ko
每個學期讀3-4科, 無那些community college咁要6-8科(包括d無謂+無關的科目e.g.戲劇), 考試都輕鬆d
中間仲有幾個月比你工作實習, 等你一grad就有工作經驗可以填CV, 點都勁過d fresh grad
讀完AD, 之後直入外國銜接大學的Final Year讀多8個月就grad
點都好過那些community college要讀3年HD/2年AD再上CIDP...
result差唔多, 但佢grad的速度又快d, 銜接大學選擇更多, 學費仲平成倍, 又可申請CEF+Grant/Loan
若然AL英文有D或CE英文有3級或以上, 仲可以申請獎學金(有成$34,000), 就算做M記都供到自己讀書

詳情可致電25753993/查閱網址: www.astonhongkong.com /email:[email protected]

參考: Me
2009-06-02 5:29 am
以你呢個年齡 緊係讀最小書 有最大既收入最好啦
我有d建議比你啊 加我msn同你傾下啊
[email protected] 希望幫到你

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