《評論》physical plan

2009-06-01 9:33 pm
相關問題: https://hk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090521000051KK00199

Promotion from Physical,佢地話推廣期有限, if u have interest, u can contact me 健身會藉六個月個月$500 連15張健康舞劵(可玩瑜伽, kickboxing ....) 送RAD智能數碼美容療程一次(價值$550) 或 EOS光電嫩膚護理一次(價值$540) 適用於任何一間舒適堡 入場時間限制: 沙田, 荃灣, 美孚, 康怡不能入場如下: 星期一至五 18:00 -20:00 星期六14:00 ~16:00 銅鑼灣利舞壹, 伊利沙伯大廈, 尖沙咀 & 屯門: 只要你12個月內冇join過Phycial就可以享有呢個優惠,又唔洗簽contract,but要會員先買得,你要的話我可以幫你買呀,there is a temp membership card, u just need to bring the card and go to Physical for registration,we can meet somewhere for face trade or meet at Physical

回答 (5)

2009-07-05 4:48 am
I want join too,can u sell email to me to:
[email protected]
thanks a lot ^^
2009-07-04 8:10 am
我想問宜家仲有無$500 for 6個月o個個plan呀?

我email係[email protected]

2009-06-18 4:59 pm
Do u still have the menbershipcard?

i would like to join the 500 half year plan ar.
2009-06-02 4:53 pm
pls leave me ur contact no. so i can call u ar

2009-06-18 09:08:22 補充:
if u want, i can go to Physical and buy for u or we can meet at Physical ar

2009-07-06 12:49:39 補充:
唔知個promotion完左未呢,等我check check 再話你知
2009-06-02 10:56 am

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