
2009-06-01 3:18 am
1. (1^4+2009^4+2010^4)/1+2009+2010=?


2. 在五邊形ABCDE中 , AB=BC=CD=DE , 角b=96且角C=角D=108。求角E。


3. 爺爺把一袋糖分給蔭權、英年和俊華,三人分別得到70%、25%和5%。後來蔭權把20粒轉給俊華,之後英年和俊華再平分二人手上的糖。這時,蔭權的糖數目是英年的三侶。第二天,爺爺再多給每人x粒糖,使蔭權的糖數變成英年的兩倍,求x。


4. 設n為大於1的整數。若9997n的所有數字皆是奇數,求n的最小可能值。


5. 若f(1)=3/2 ,且對所有正整數n皆有[f(x+1)]-[f(x)]=1/(n+2)-1/n,求f(1)+f(2)+...+f(2009)


6. 在三角形ABC中,AB=AC=13,BC=10。P是BC上滿足BP< PC的一點,而H、K分別是三角形APB、APC的垂心。若HK=2,求PC。


7. ABC是等邊三角形,邊長為4。D是BC上一點,使得BD=1。若r、s分別是三角形ADB、ADC的內切圓半徑,求rs。


8. ABCD是正方形,邊長為1。X和Y分別是BC和CD上的點,使CX=CY=m。經廷長後AB交


9. 在座標平面上,x、y座標皆是整數的點稱為「格點」。現於頂點為(0,0)、(101,0)、(101,101)及(0,101)的正方形內(不包括邊界)隨意選一格點,那麼連起(0,2010)和所選格點的線段上(不包括兩個端點)有偶數個格點的概率是多少?


10. 四名數學家、兩名物理學家、一名化學家、一名生物家參加一項比賽。八人將抽籤分成四對對賽。那麼,沒有兩名數學家對賽的概率是多少?


11. (為方便表達,本題以"@"表示tan^-1)

tan(@ 1/2+@ 1/2 x 2+@ 1/2 x 3 + ... +@ 1/2 x 2009)的值。


12. 現有一個n x n的棋盤,棋盤的格子裡有2009枚硬幣。在任意兩個相鄰(即有公共邊)的格子中,硬幣數目均相差1(有些格子可能沒硬幣)。求n的最大可能值。


13. ABCD是梯形,其中AB平行DC,且AB > DC。E是AB上的一點,使得AE=DC。AC分別交DE、DB於F、G。求AB/CD,使三角形DFG的面積/梯形ABCD的面積達至最大值。


14. 在一次測驗中沒有兩人同分,而且每人的分數皆等於n+2-2k,其中n是常數,k是那人的名次。若所有參賽者的總得分是2009,求n的最小可能值。


15. 設[x]表示小於或等於x的最大整數。求[開方(2009+1) + 開方(2009+2) + 開方(2009+3) + ... + 開方(2009+4018)]的值。


16. 設f(n)表示方程4x+3y+2z=n的正整數解數目。求f(2009)-f(2000)。


17. 現有6種顏色可供選擇,並要把一個正方體的每個面填色,使得相鄰面的顏色不同,問有多少種方法填色?(若經適當地旋轉後顏色相同,則兩種方法視為相同。)


18. 在三角形ABC中,角A=90及角B=角C=45。P是BC上的一點,Q、R分別是三角形APB、APC的外心。若BP=開方2及QR=2,求PC。


19.設x、y、z、w為不同的實數且t > 0,使得x+ 1/y=y+ 1/z=z+ 1/w=w+ 1/x=t。求t。


20. 已知a、b、c、d為正整數,當中任意三個的最小公倍數均為3^3 x 7^5。若需考慮各數的先後次序,問(a、b、c、d)有多少組不同的可能值?



回答 (4)

2009-06-07 9:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(1) 和 (3) 太易不用回答吧!

(4) 9997n = (10000 - 3)n
=n x10000 - 3 x n
如 3 x n < 10000 萬位數字必為偶數, 所以
3 x n > 10000
n > 3333.33

(2) 設A於坐標中心,B於(1,0)

= N(n+2) - N(N+1)
= N (n - N + 1) = 2009 = 7 x 7 x 41
N = 1, 7, 41, 49, 287, 2009
相對n為2009, 293, 89, 89, 293, 2009

(19) x+1/y = t

t=0 (rejected); t=+/- sqrt(2) ; t=x+1/x(rejected)

2009-06-07 13:47:26 補充:
(15) integrate sqrt(x) from 2009 to 6027
using trapezoidal rule,

2009-06-07 13:47:48 補充:
Area A =1/2sqrt(2009)+sqrt(2010)+sqrt(2011)+...+sqrt(6026)+1/2sqrt(6027)
therefore A=sqrt(2010)+sqrt(2011)+...+sqrt(6027) + 1/2sqrt(2009) - 1/2sqrt(6027)
A=sqrt(2010)+sqrt(2011)+...+sqrt(6027) - 16.4059
sqrt(2010)+sqrt(2011)+...+sqrt(6027) = A + 16.4059 = 251917.4116

2009-06-07 13:48:06 補充:
Consider error term for integration from 2009 to 2010 is

2009-06-07 13:48:22 補充:
Consider error term for integration from 6026 to 6027 is

Obviously the 4018 error terms together is very much small than 1

Hence the required result is 251917

2009-06-07 13:58:06 補充:
(12) no. of coins must be odd even odd even in pattern. To maximum n, we can choose 0 and 1 for most of the boxes. As such n^n/2<2009. and max n is 63.
Consider coins are put
Total coins = 32+31+32+31+...+32 = 1985 (24 below 2009)

2009-06-07 14:03:37 補充:
Change the pattern at one corner as below will make up 2009 coins

2009-06-08 10:48:40 補充:
(12) Use M1,M2,M3,M3 to represents mathematicians, and X1,X2,X3,X4 otherwise
Groupings are (A,A),(A,A),(A,A),(A,A) in sequence with 8! possibilities
For no 2 mathematicians in any group, the grouping must be
(X,M),(M,X),(M,X),(M,X), etc

2009-06-08 10:48:44 補充:
Total combination is 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 16
In each of these possibilities, the M can be arranged with 4! possibilities.
Likewise for X, it is als 4!
Total possibilities = 16 x 4! x 4! = 9216
probability = 9216/8! = 8/35

2009-06-08 13:09:45 補充:
(16) 4x+3y+2z=2009
y must be odd
max (x) = (2009-3-2)\4 = 501
max (y) = (2009-4-2)\3 = 667
max (z) = (2009-4-3)\2 = 1001
First solution when x=1 is (1,1,1001)
Second solution is (1,3,998)
Third solution is (1,5,995), etc

2009-06-08 13:09:58 補充:
So number of solutions for x=1 is 334 i.e. smallest integer greater than or equal to (1001/3)
I denote 334 as [1001/3] where [x] is smallest integer greater than or equal to x
First solution when x=2 is (2,1,1001-2)
Second solution is (1,3,998-2)

2009-06-08 13:10:02 補充:
Third solution is (1,5,995-2), etc
So number of solutions for x=2 is [(1001-2)/3]
Total number of solutions will be [1001/3]+[999/3]+[997/3]+[993/3]+...

2009-06-08 13:14:36 補充:
Total number of solutions will be [1001/3]+[999/3]+[997/3]+[995/3]+[993/3]+...
y must be even
First solution for x=1 is (1,2,995)
Second solution is (1,4,992)

2009-06-08 13:14:41 補充:
third solution is (1,6,989), etc
So no. of solution for x=1 is [995/3]
Similarly for x=2, number of solution is [993/3]
and total number of all solution is [995/3]+[993/3]+...
Compare with the case when the sum is 2009, the difference is

2009-06-08 13:28:37 補充:
(18) You should draw your own diagram.
Since R is the 外心 of APC, so R is the centre of the circle APC.
Since angle ACP = 45 (inscribed angle) so angle ARP = 90
Likewise since angle ABP =45, angle AQP=90
Since AR=PR so angle APR= angle PAR = 45

2009-06-08 13:29:04 補充:
Similarly QP=QA and
angle QPA= angle QAP = 45
angle QPR=angleQAR=90
AQPR is a square
Since QR=2; QP=sqrt(2) ;QB=sqrt(2); BP= sqrt(2) given

2009-06-08 13:29:08 補充:
So ABP is equilateral triangle
angle QBP=60
angle QBA=60-45-15
since QB=QA, angle QAB also = 15
AB=2xQBxcos15=2sqrt(2) (sqrt(2)+sqrt(6))/4=1+sqrt(3)
BC=sqrt(2)xAB = sqrt(2)+sqrt(6)
so PC=sqrt(6)

2009-06-08 14:11:10 補充:
(20) a,b,c and d are each with factor of 3^n where n can be 0,1,2,or3
Since LCM for any 3 number has a factor of 3^3, so at least 2 of the 4 numbers have the factor 3^3.
Consider the combination of n, it can be the following:

2009-06-08 14:11:13 補充:
2 is 3, the other 2 non-3 … total combination = 4C2 (consider the positioning) x 3 (0 to 2) x 3 (0 to 2) = 54
3 is 3, the other non-3 … total combination = 4C3 x 3 = 12
All 4 is 3 …only 1 possibility
Total possibilities = 54+12+1 = 67

2009-06-08 14:11:34 補充:
Use similar reasoning for 7^5:
2 is 5, the other 2 non-5 … total combination = 4C2 (consider the positioning) x 5 (0 to 4) x 5 (0 to 4) = 150
3 is 5, the other non-5 … total combination = 4C3 x 5 = 20
All 4 is 5 …only 1 possibility

2009-06-08 14:11:43 補充:
Total possibilities = 150+20+1=171
Combine the 2 results, total number of possibilities is 67 x 171 = 11457

2009-06-08 15:38:35 補充:
(6) Let HK cuts BC at L
angle ACB= angle ABC= X
cos x=5/13, sin x =12/13, tanx = 12/5
angle PKH =angle PHK = X
since HK=2, PL/(HK/2)=tanX
PL=12/5, CL=BL=5, so PC=12/5+5=7.4

2009-06-08 16:49:52 補充:
(8) Let A is the original of an x-y co-ordinate, and B is the point (1,0).
By similar triangle ADP and BXP

2009-06-08 16:50:02 補充:
P is the point (1/m,0)
By symmetry, Q is (0,1/m)
Slope QP=-1
By similar triangle ADR and XCR

2009-06-08 16:50:07 補充:
co-ordinate of R is [1/(1/m),1]
Slope RP = (1-0)/[1/(1-m)-1/m] =-1
m=[3-sqrt(5)]/2 or [3+sqrt(5)]/2 (rejected)

2009-06-09 11:23:17 補充:
(17) Let's view the dice as a box build from a paper. Unfolding the dice will give something like this (I do not know how to post pciture here, sorry!)
F or denote as A[BCDE]F
where A must be different from BCDE, and F must be different from BCDE as well.

2009-06-09 11:23:36 補充:
Let’s choose a colour for A, there are 6C1 = 6 possibilities. Different cases for BCDE:
<1> BCDE are all different.
The possible combinations will be:

2009-06-09 11:23:45 補充:
6 [for A] x 5C4 [choose 4 colours from the remaining 5] x 4! [the possible permutation of the 4 colours] x 2 [F can be the remaining colour or the same colour as A]
=6 x 5 x 24 x 2 = 6 x 240

2009-06-09 11:24:33 補充:
<2> 3 colours for BCDE where BD can be same or CE can be same
The possible combinations will be:
6 [for A] x 5C3 [choose 3 colours from the remaining 5] x 3C1 [choose one colour from the 3 so that 2 of the faces are same colour] x

2009-06-09 11:24:49 補充:
x 2 [BD same or CE same] x 2! [permutation of the other 2 colours] x 3 [F can be the remaining 2 colours or the same colour as A]
= 6 x 10 x 3 x 2 x 2 x 3 = 6 x 360

2009-06-09 11:25:05 補充:
<3> 2 colours for BCDE
The possible combinations will be:
6 [for A] x 5C2 x 2 [either 1212 or 2121] x 4 [the rest 3 colours + same colour as A]
= 6 x 80

2009-06-09 11:25:13 補充:
Total possibilities = 6 x (240 + 360 + 80) = 6 x 680
Since A[BCDE]F, B[ACEF]D, C[ABDF]E, D[ACEF]B, E[ABDF]C and F[BCDE]A generate the same colour combinations, the answer is reduced to 680

2009-06-09 11:56:03 補充:
(13) Let CD=AE=n, AB=m, AD=CE=p
Let G’ is point on AB such that GG’ // CE
Let F’ is point on AB such that FF’//CE
Let G’E=y
By similar triangles ACE and AGG’,
AE/CE=AG’/GG’ or n/p=(n-y)/GG’ … (1)

2009-06-09 11:56:23 補充:
By similar triangles ADB and G’GB,
AB/AD=BG’/GG’ or m/p=(m-n+y)/GG’ … (2)
Eliminate GG’ from (1) and (2),
n/m=(n-y)/(m-n+y) or y=n^2/(m+n) …(3)
By similar triangles ACE and AGG’,
FG:FC = F’G’:G’E = n/2-y:n/2 = (m-n)/(m+n):1

2009-06-09 11:56:32 補充:
Area ABCD = (m+n)h/2 where h is height of the figure.
Area AECD = nh
Area DFC = nh/4
Area DFG = nh/4 x (m-n)/(m+n)
Let AB/CD=r=m/n
R=DFG/ABCD =n(m-n)/[2(m+n)^2]=(r-1)/[2(r+1)^2]
Using differentiation, it can be shown that R is maximum when r=2.

2009-06-09 11:59:48 補充:
Correction : r=3

2009-06-09 16:39:55 補充:
(13) @(1/2)+@(1/2x2)+@(1/2x3)+…+@(1/2*2009)
Consider integral @(x/2)=x@(x/2)-ln(1+x^2/4)+C
Area from 0 to 2009 is 2009@(2009/2)-ln(1+2009^2/4) = 3139.90533
Use Trapezoidal rule Area = 1/2@(0) + [@(1/2)+@(1/2x2)+…+@(1/2x2008)] + 1/2@(1/2*2009)

2009-06-09 16:40:07 補充:
Therefore @(1/2)+@(1/2x2)+@(1/2x3)+…+@(1/2*2009) can be approximated by:
Area - 1/2@(0) + 1/2@(1/2*2009) = 3140.69023
But note that tan(x) is very sensitive to small error in x, for example,

2009-06-09 16:40:17 補充:
Therefore the approximated value may not give very accurate result.
Consider approximate area from x=5 to 2009.
Area is 2009@(2009/2)-ln(1+2009^2/4)-5@(5/2)+ln(1+5^2/4) = 3135.93488
Use Trapezoidal rule Area = 1/2@(5/2) + [@(1/2)+@(1/2x2)+…+@(1/2x2008)] + 1/2@(1/2*2009)

2009-06-09 16:40:27 補充:
Therefore @(1/2)+@(1/2x2)+@(1/2x3)+…+@(1/2*2009) can be approximated by:
Area + 1/2@(1/2*5) + 1/2@(1/2*2009) + @(1/2)+@(1/2x2) + @(1/2x3) + @(1/2x4) = 3140.65392

2009-06-09 16:40:43 補充:
Using similar approximation by integrate from 10 to 2009 yields tan(3140.64979 = -1.3775
Using similar approximation by integrate from 20 to 2009 yields tan(3140.64860 = -1.3810
Using similar approximation by integrate from 30 to 2009 yields tan(3140.64837 = -1.3816

2009-06-09 16:40:47 補充:
Using similar approximation by integrate from 40 to 2009 yields tan(3140.64829 = -1.3819
Using similar approximation by integrate from 50 to 2009 yields tan(3140.64825 = -1.3820
Therefore the required result is 1.38 to 2 decimal point.

2009-06-09 21:47:58 補充:
(2) correction

2009-06-10 12:12:13 補充:
(13) Correction:
3 colours: There are 6C3 = 20 ways to choose the colours. One 1 way to colour the dice.
2009-06-01 11:16 pm
2009-06-01 7:39 pm
是IMO Prelim嗎? 比我拿銅獎的那一年淺
2009-06-01 3:45 am

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