
2009-06-01 1:00 am
why area of circle equal to piXrXr?(please only use something that a form two student can understand.

回答 (4)

2009-06-01 1:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
It is because you calculate the area using height X length.
A circle can become these two thing
.\/ \/ \/ \/
./\ /\ /\ /\
these two thing can become -
︵︵︵︵ <---- piXr = length
.\//\\//\\//\\//\<---- r = height
..︶︶︶︶<---- piXr = length
this time- the length= piXr
the height= r

and heightX length= pi X r X r
2009-06-02 3:01 am
can i explain it by using integration -.-!?

2009-06-01 19:01:53 補充:
Here is the prove using integration(of course, definte integrals):
2009-06-01 2:02 am
Yes...using integration is an appropriate method to prove the circle area=pi*r^2
2009-06-01 1:22 am
i don't want to answer because i may not answer ggod,
you may see this web site:


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