電話打不通 , 要向boss講番 , 英文如何說 ?

2009-05-31 6:01 pm
"打得通 , 無人聽" 是不是 "no body pick up the phone" ?
"對方電話有人講緊 , 所以打唔通" 英文應如何說 ? 是不是 "The line is busy." / "The line is occupied" / "Someone is using the line." / "Someone is occupied the number." ?
"對方電話長響 (即是此電話號碼根本不存在)" 英文應如何說 ? 是不是 "The number is no registry."?
"打得通 , 但對方不在 (例如不在家 / 不在辦公室)" 英文應如何說 ? 是不是 "He is not here." / "He is not in office." / "He's out." ?
"打得通 , 要找的人已在辦公室 , 但不在自己位 / 行開咗 / 去咗廁所" 英文應如何說 ? 是不是 "He is not in his desk." / "He is in toilet" ?

回答 (3)

2009-06-08 10:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案

"打得通 , 無人聽" 是不是 "no body pick up the phone" ?

should be careful with the tenses he uses.
Nobody ( one word)
answered the phone. ( more natural)
Nobody pickED up the phone. ( acceptable)
Simple past tense

No one answered the phone.

"對方電話有人講緊 , 所以打唔通" 英文應如何說 ? 是不是 "The line is busy." / "The line isoccupied" / "Someone is using the line." / "Someone is occupied thenumber." ?
The line was busy.
The line was engaged.
I got a busy signal.

"對方電話長響 (即是此電話號碼根本不存在)" 英文應如何說 ? 是不是 "The number is no registry."?
The tel number has not been registered.

"打得通 , 但對方不在 (例如不在家 / 不在辦公室)" 英文應如何說 ? 是不是 "He is not here." / "He is not in office." / "He's out." ?
He is out.
He is not in.

"打得通 , 要找的人已在辦公室 , 但不在自己位 / 行開咗 / 去咗廁所" 英文應如何說 ? 是不是 "He is not in hisdesk." / "He is in toilet" ?
He is not available at the moment.
He is not around presently.
He is not at his desk.
He is in the bathroom now.
Would you call him back in 5 minutes? 或者你可以說,可否5分鐘再打來

Normally, we do not say" He is in THE toilet.".
You just tell the caller
" He is not at his desk."
" He is not in at the moment."
"He has just stepped out."
" He is not available now."
" He cannot come to the phone at this moment."

打得通 , 無人聽" = a past event
We should use the past tense.
Nobody ( one word)
answered the phone. ( more natural)

Nobody pickED up the phone. ( acceptable)

answerED pickED

"對方電話有人講緊 , 所以打唔通" 英文應如何說 ? -> "The line is busy." <---WRONG!

We need to use the past tense again.
The line WAS busy.
The line WAS engaged.


2009-06-08 14:29:11 補充:
You should be careful with the tenses you use.

你要留意一下TENSES 。

2009-06-08 14:40:18 補充:
If your question is you need to report everything to your boss, then
you will have to change everything to
" the past tense".

He WAS at his desk...... for example.

2009-06-08 14:40:22 補充:
It is because he WAS not at his desk******
He WAS NOT at his desk...... for example.

you need to report this past event
to your boss, so the past tense would be
the most appropriate.

2009-06-08 14:48:39 補充:
(He was not at his desk WHEN YOU CALLED HIM. <-------- report this to your boss)

( Perhaps he is now back to his desk.)
2009-06-01 6:14 am


2009-05-31 7:46 pm
"打得通 , 無人聽" 是不是 "no body pick up the phone" ? -> yes

"對方電話有人講緊 , 所以打唔通" 英文應如何說 ? -> "The line is busy."

"對方電話長響 (即是此電話號碼根本不存在)" 英文應如何說 ? ->the number is not registered.

"打得通 , 但對方不在 (例如不在家 / 不在辦公室)" 英文應如何說 ? -> He is not at home/office. OR He's out.

打得通 , 要找的人已在辦公室 , 但不在自己位 / 行開咗 / 去咗廁所" 英文應如何說 ? -> He is not at his desk.
Seldom do we say 'he is in toilet'.
參考: myself

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