
2009-06-01 1:40 am
Based on AL Pure Mathematics Syllabus , there are several integration skills to tackle the integral problems.
The following are the standard methods to be used in the AL P-math examination .
For each method , theorem and example are provided in order to let the readers easily understand the skills.
Also , candidates are advised to do different kinds of integral problems so as to widen the knowledge of various skills.




回答 (2)

2009-08-19 9:55 pm
Yes...there are many methods to solve the integration problems , so I just focus on the AL-PMATH solving skills here^^

2010-02-26 21:14:03 補充:
Of course the skills of solving integrals are not limited by the Pure Maths solving skills...Indeed, if one just uses these skills, he/she certainly cannot solve most of the integrals.

2010-02-26 21:14:06 補充:
I post this not to recommend people just solely use Amaths or Pmaths techniques, it's just some methods used to solve secondary most integral problems.
Again, I also encourage people to explore more solving integral skills to solve higher level of integration...
2009-08-19 8:45 pm
Try not to be limited by what you have been taught. Secondary schools only teach students basic things. Multiple integrals are useful to solve some problems that cannot be solved by the above skills. (e.g.I=∫[e^(-x^2)dx,0,+∞])
Hint: I^2=∬{e^[-(x^2+y^2)]dydx,(0,+∞),(0,+∞)}

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