5x^2 -17x-12=0 Help???? Please.?

2009-05-30 11:12 am
I need help factorising this. Can i split the 5 in to 2 Or 3? im confused . please help lol. :)

回答 (8)

2009-05-30 11:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
(5x + 3)(x - 4) is the answer.
You need to make the -17 for the x, so you have 5 * -4 = -20, + 3 = -17.
Obviously, 3 * -4 gives you the -12.
You cannot split the 5 into a 2 or 3, because the factors of 5 are 1 and 5, so it must be them, as you can't multiply any other 2 numbers together to get 5.
Hope I helped!
參考: My brain.
2009-05-30 7:06 pm
x= -3/5 and 4
2009-05-30 6:47 pm
x's=[17+& - (289+240)^1/2]/10=4 & -0.6
2009-05-30 6:37 pm
5x^2 - 17x - 12 = 0
5x^2 + 3x - 20x - 12 = 0
(5x^2 + 3x) - (20x + 12) = 0
x(5x + 3) - 4(5x + 3) = 0
(5x + 3)(x - 4) = 0

5x + 3 = 0
5x = -3
x = -3/5 (-0.6)

x - 4 = 0
x = 4

∴ x = -3/5 (-0.6), 4
2009-05-30 6:20 pm
no. you need factors. the only ones are 5 an 1 so you need to find the others so that

(5x ± ?)(x ± ?) =0

Since you have -12, one of the ? will be + and the other ? will be -

2009-05-30 6:19 pm
5x^2 -17x - 12 = 0

x1 = -0.6
x2 = 4
2009-05-30 6:16 pm
Its (x-4)(5x+3) = 0 so x =4 or - 3/5
2009-05-30 6:40 pm

5x² - 17x - 12 = 0
(x - 4)(5x + 3) = 0

This is how to factor trinomials the way that I teach it, which may be different from what you've done. Try to follow the steps. This method will work on any trinomial.

5x² - 17x - 12 Look for a GCF. There is none this time. If there was one, factor it out. Then temporarily start both parentheses with the first number and variable.
(5x.......)(5x..........) First sign goes in first parentheses.
(5x -....)(5x.........) Product of signs goes in 2nd parentheses.
(5x -....)(5x +.....) <== pos is because neg x neg = positive

Now multiply your first and third numbers together. Ignore their signs - you've already done them. 5 x 12 = 60 So, out to the side list pairs of factors of 60.

1, 60
2, 30
3, 20
4, 15
5, 12
6, 10

Now you want to pick which factors go in your parentheses, using these rules:

If the signs you put on your parentheses are the SAME, find the factors that ADD up to the middle number in the problem.
If the signs you put on your parentheses are the DIFFERENT, find the factors that SUBTRACT to the middle number in the problem. (Note you look at signs in the parentheses, not in the problem.)

(5x -....)(5x +.....) Your signs are different, so you want to subtract factors to get 17. Those factors are 3 and 20. When you put the numbers in the parentheses, the bigger number is pushy - it always goes first. So your factors now are:
(5x - 20)(5x + 3)

Now you have to reduce either or both parentheses by dividing each parentheses' terms by the largest possible divisor. In our problem, the first parentheses is divisible by 5, but the second parentheses does not reduce.

(5x - 20)(5x + 3)
This reduces to your final factors of

(x - 4)(5x + 3) <==This is the answer to your problem.

I hope that helps!! :-)

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