Math Homework Help!!!?

2009-05-30 8:23 am

By the way, the 2/W is a fraction.

回答 (7)

2009-05-30 9:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
Is it this?
= ([W + 2]/W)²
= (W² + 2W + 2W + 4)/W²
= (W² + 4W + 4)/W²

Answer: (W² + 4W + 4)/W²

Or this?:
= (W + 2/W)²
= W² + 2 + 2 + 4/W²
= W² + 4 + 4/W²
= (W⁴ + 4W² + 4)/W²

Answer: (W⁴ + 4W² + 4)/W²
2009-05-30 3:34 pm
I'm not sure whether 2/W is a fraction or (W+2)/W was intended to be a fraction.

Ill assume 2/W, because that's how you wrote it.

Distribute: W² + 4 + 4/W²,
or W² + 4/W2 + 4, depending on how your teacher wants it?

Is this what you want? Btw, (a + b)² = a + 2ab + b, not a² + b².
2009-05-30 3:56 pm
2009-05-30 3:44 pm
2009-05-30 3:35 pm
(w + 2/w)^2
= (w + 2/w)(w + 2/w)
= w*w + (2 * w)/w + (w * 2)/w + (2 * 2)/(w * w)
= w^2 + 2w/w + 2w/w + 4/(w^2)
= w^2 + 2 + 2 + 4/(w^2)
= w^2 + 4/(w^2) + 4
2009-05-30 3:31 pm
2009-05-30 3:29 pm
its just an algebraic expression what do you want do with it ?

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