
2009-05-31 3:13 am
跳舞比賽贏得一個獎杯,不用交還。但一隊有四個人 ,怎樣分?

回答 (2)

2009-05-31 4:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.Who do more and work more in the 跳舞比賽, then who get the 獎杯.

2.Exchange the 獎杯 to money and 瓜分 the money.

But the most best way: give Money to other three guys.

First cheak how much the 獎杯 cost.

Pay it....

2009-05-30 20:03:34 補充:
2.Exchange the 獎杯 to money and 瓜分 the money.
it means you buy it .
2009-05-31 3:25 am

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