
2009-05-30 5:08 am
2個都係inert gas..點解用argon但係唔用nitrogen??

回答 (3)

2009-05-30 11:32 pm
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Nitrogen嚴格黎講並不是inert gas。
雖然nitrogen molecule裏面既nitrogen atom係連得好實 (因為係triple bond),但係燈膽溫度係相當高 (攝氏三千幾度,如果低過呢個溫度,條鎢絲會發唔到光),喺呢個相當高溫高能量既環境之下,nitrogen molecule會被爆開成為一個個atom,而呢d atom因為本身個electronic structure唔係一個octet (佢最外層shell只有五粒電子),所以相對於argon molecule (或argon atom,因為argon molecule只係由一粒atom組成)黎講,nitrogen會比argon更reactive、更易同鎢絲起反應,因為argon atom本身已經係octet。
參考: myself
2009-05-30 10:34 pm
Nitrogen is at the group 5,so it's more reactive than argon,because argon is at the group 8,it's an octet.So argon is not reactive.
So using argon to fill light bulb it's more safer for the people to use!

參考: F4 Science Stream Student
2009-05-30 5:49 am
Argon is more stable, it is in the last Grp.
Nitrogen is Extremely electronegative= very reactive

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