
2009-05-30 4:05 am
When Hong Kong is still struggling on the road to recovery in this economic havoc,the government still sets great store by education.To get the problem eliminated at the root,the government realised that to kill the problem,not only should they go deep into the economic crisis,but also,in fundamental----the education system.

Despite substantial educational reforms had been carried out,for instance,IT teaching,however,of which most of them are seriously flawed,they did no good to students or the government itself.It seems like the government is just pouring all the capital into an bottomless abyss,which is in no ways rewardable.

Recently,a lamentable phenomenon arose.According to the Examinations Authority,about 23,000 candidates failed the Hong Kong Certificate of Examination(HKCEE)totally this year,which means that they have got no subjects passed.It was rather daunting as a googal of critics affirmed that the ossified education system should take the total blame.This phenomenon is so deplorable that it soon warrent our grave concern and to a very high extent,I agree with this statement.

As a matter of fact,its not uncommon for those secondary school students to show an aversion to school.But why?The cardinal sinner is the ossified educational system.Hardly can students feel energetic to the rigid teaching methods and loads of homework in school,especially in junior form,not only are there a great deal of homework for them to tackle with,but also the spoon-feeding tactics to cram them for exams.Teachers may regard this as useful and insightful.However,this is not the story,spoon-feeding students will just lessen their goad to study.As a corollary,students' hatred in studying will just dig their own grave,thus failing in exams......................................


回答 (3)

2009-05-31 4:59 am
Obviously you have tried desperately to show off your vocabulary, which is very impressive. You have used most of them correctly but there are instances that you have used them inappropriately.

Maybe you have focused too much on the upper end, there are many low level mistakes, for example,
1. "Despite substantial educational reforms had been carried out" Why past perfect tense?
2. Kill the problem?
3. The total blame?
4. in junior form? Or forms?
5. There are a lot of homework.
6. In no ways

There are some spelling mistakes, e.g. googal, warrent (warrAntS).

I always tell my students to be extremely careful with long and complex sentences. You have made some terrible mistakes there.

Go and talk to your teacher. Ask him/her to correct your mistakes.
2009-05-30 8:09 am
it's pretty good, but in second paragraph, you wrote " IT teaching,
however...." i would use a period instead of a comma. And on the third paragrap
paragraph, you use a comma again on the last sentence, i would rather
use a period between " extent " and " i agree ." also the last sentence
in the last paragraph, you can take out the "IN" in the " thus failing in
exams ...." it was pretty good, you used a lot of big words. i wonder
how old you are...
2009-05-30 7:40 am



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