解夢, about 2 dreams

2009-05-29 12:16 pm
I had two dreams last night.

First I dreamt that I was a fish swimming in the sea.

Then I dreamt that I went fishing.
and I caught a fish.

Are there any meangings in these 2 dreams?

回答 (3)

2009-05-30 9:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
Your dreams are oracular (玄妙的). They are relative to each other.
Firstly, you dreamt to be a fish swimming alone in the water.
That means you crave(渴望)freedom, independence, or tranquility(安寧). This is probably a reflection(反映)of your mood, or concerned things. To be a swimming fish, it might be a carefree(輕鬆)feeling.
Next, you dreamt to go fishing. This time, you became a rodster(釣魚者)while you caught a fish. Watch out(小心)! This fish that you caught was your own embodiment(化身)in your last dream.
Very often, happiness is such a satisfaction in an instant moment. You should enjoy your first dream. Right? And yet, that was you yourself who tried to deter(使斷念)from enjoying the amenity(舒適)in your next dream.
You set yourself free to make it happen firstly and then you soon restrained(遏制)yourself from any continuum(連續). You sound like a very rational person. In my perspective, there are logic and corelation(關連)in your dreams.
I love to dream as a swimming fish to get along with the flow in the vast ocean as well. (But, there are many natural enemies around such as the rodster, fishermen & the big fishes, ie. 大魚食細魚. Pity!)
2009-05-30 7:17 pm
你do左一d野 , 而個d野會令你跌入困境
e.g你講大話 , give人know
2009-05-29 8:55 pm
so easy to find out answer :
1)because u want to fishing, but no friend with u to do
( so the sea only yourself )
2) u very like to eat fish
3) u very like to swim in the sea ( enjoy free feel )
4) u are unknow swim ( want to try )

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