what is the formula for: 8y/2y=?

2009-05-29 6:46 am

回答 (5)

2009-05-29 6:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
2009-05-29 1:57 pm
= 8y/2y
= (8y/2y)/(2y/2y)
= 4/1 or 4

Answer: 4
2009-05-29 6:56 pm
= 4
2009-05-29 1:49 pm

the Y's cancel out and 8/2 is 4
2009-05-29 1:50 pm
what on earth do you mean, "formula"?
as long as y is not 0, 8y / 2y = 4.

4th grade, eh? 8 yellow submarines divided into groups of 2 yellow submarines = 4 groups.

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