
2009-05-29 7:25 am
1) 餅乾(e.g.四洲梳打餅) abt 3包
2) 拉麵 3packs
3) 快熟意粉2包
4) 茶包, 綠茶粉

另外坐去悉尼要幾耐, 會唔會坐到腳腫?

回答 (4)

2009-05-29 7:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) 餅乾 - 可以
2) 拉麵 - 可以
3) 快熟意粉 - 可以
4) 茶包 & 綠茶粉 - 唔係咁ok

由香港到悉尼要9小時, 可以機倉裡行下 & 可以脫鞋!

2009-05-28 23:43:49 補充:
希望幫到你!! ^_^
2009-06-04 7:42 am
no,you cannot any things(餅乾(e.g.四洲梳打餅) abt 3包
2) 拉麵 3packs
3) 快熟意粉2包
4) 茶包, 綠茶粉
),like you go to south australia,becausebefore i 帶foods,give they get and tell cannot 帶 any foods to australia.
參考: me
2009-05-30 1:35 am
好老實講, 以上物品澳洲全部有得賣, 價錢同香港相差不遠, 根本就唔需要浪費人力帶過去...

意粉其中一種材料係雞蛋, 因此唔可以帶入澳洲

餅乾同拉麵主要係麵粉製品, 一樣唔可以帶入境, 麵包, 蛋糕等等亦一樣唔得.

既然係咁, 仲帶咩 ?
2009-05-29 9:13 am
all can bring to australia...
The Quarantine Act 1908 requires that all imports of food comply with the quarantine conditions for their import. Quarantine restrictions apply to many raw foods and certain processed foods brought through the airport or mailed to Australia for private use. The following items are restricted:

eggs and egg products
dairy products
uncanned meat
seeds and nuts
fresh fruit and vegetables
Commercial importers of food such as fresh fruit and vegetables or food containing milk, egg, meat or other animal products will need to obtain an import permit prior to importing the food. You can do initial checks for quarantine requirements by searching the Import Conditions Database (ICON). For more information contact your nearest AQIS office

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