✔ 最佳答案
辦學權(The authority for establishment of school)
接管學校(The takeover of school)
辦學團體(The institution for establishment of school)
社會服務機構(The institution for social service)
挪亞方舟(The Reafontaine)
縱火犯(The firemaker)
甲型H1N1流感(H1N1 Swine Flu)
豬流感(The Swine Flu)
薪俸稅(The income tax)
差餉(The Inland Revenue)
刑事恐嚇(The civil threatener)
裸跑案(The case of naked runner)
聯繫匯率(The cross exchanged rate)
開展遴選(The beginning of election)
雨勢連綿(The severe rainning)
專案小組(A group for special cases)
紓困措施(Relieve packages or Relieve measures)
埋沒良知(Lack of morality)