轉做英文 只是幾句 THZ

2009-05-29 6:17 am
在IS 1 中 我參與了不少活動, 例如 拍攝, 拍影片, 錄製, 製造網頁
,學習了不少設計技巧,提升了用工具技能, 在活動中,也遇上了問題,但有很多同學 老師幫助 ,才可得到解決, 希望將來也有機會
再次參與這些活動, 得到更多經驗

回答 (4)

2009-05-29 8:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
At IS 1, I joined many activities for instance photo shooting, video recording, creating website and as a result I gained a lot of designing skills as well as I had improved skills on using those tools. During the participation in those activities, even though there were some hardships, with the support of many classmates and teachers, those problems were resolved at last. In the future, I wish I could be given an opportunity to join the similar function again and gain more experiences.

2009-05-29 00:18:09 補充:
希望幫到你!! ^_^

2009-05-29 00:19:23 補充:
tool / equipment
2009-05-30 12:05 pm
I had participated in many of the activities in IS 1, for example, photography, film shooting, video recording, building web pages. I had learnt a lot of designing techniques, increased my skills of using the equipments. I had encountered a lot of problems during the activities, but they finally got resolved with the help of classmates and the teachers. I wish I can have the opportunity to take part in these activities again in order to gain more experiences.

2009-05-29 8:58 am
At IS 1, I joined many activities such as photography, video recording, website desiging, etc. As a result, I learnt a lot of designing skills and my skills on the application of these tools have greatly improved. During my participation in these activities, I faced several difficulties and problems. However, with the support from my classmates and teachers, the problems were all resolved. In future, I wish that I could be given more opportunities to engage myself in such similar events so that I can gain more experiences.
2009-05-29 6:36 am
In Is 1, i have joined many activities, such as taking photos, videos, making websites. I have learned many skills of designing, improved many skills of using those tools, in the activity, althrough there were some diffculties, with the help of teachers, schoolmates, the problems were finally solved. I hope i can join this kind of activity again in the coming days and earn more experience.

2009-05-28 22:37:09 補充:
參考: me

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