
2009-05-29 6:15 am
科技發展一日千里, 與時並進.無可否認, 電視已是我們生活不可或缺的一部分. 惹笑的肥皂劇, 緊湊的時裝劇, 永遠是同學間, 同事間的話題. 電視劇集, 也令一家大小, 呆坐電視前好幾個小時. 電視節目已經深入每個階層, 每個人的生活, 成為的我們最經濟, 最多選擇的娛樂.

回答 (4)

2009-05-29 8:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
These days technological advancement has been extremely rapid.

Undeniably, television has become an indispensable component of
our daily life.

Farcical soap dramas, intense comtemporary dramas are never-ending topics among
students and collegues.

TV dramas also enable family members, whether young or old, to sit
together in front of the screen for several hours.

TV programs have already penetrated every stratum of the society
and every one's life, they become our most economic entertainment
with the best number of choices.
參考: me
2009-05-29 6:58 am
The development of Information Technology is "a thousand li a day",

gorws with time. Undeniable, TV has already become one of our nece

ssary. The funny soaper, compacted fashion show, are always the topi

c of our schoolmates and colleagues. TV programs, causes whole fam

ily sitting in front of TV several hours. TV programs have already in d

epth of every stratum, everyone's life, became the entainment that is

most economical and have a wide variety
參考: me
2009-05-29 6:39 am
Rapid advances in technology from time to time. There is no denying

that television is an integral part of our lives. Comedy of the soap

opera, compact fashion show, will always be students, colleagues topic.

TV series, but also a small, sitting in front of the TV for several hours.

television programs has been to every class, everyone's life, become

our most economical and the most choices of entertainment.

: http://name.longwin.com.tw/translate.php

2009-05-29 6:34 am
Science and technology's develop is thousand li a day, very
fashionable, it admitted, television is the part of our daily life,the
funny soaper, the fashion acute, it's always be the topic of
conversation . The TV acute, can make the whole family sitting in front of the TV for a few hour. TV progrmma is deepgoing to every
stratum, in everyboby life, TV is become to the many choose and
economical relaxations.
參考: me

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