
2009-05-29 5:05 am

回答 (5)

2009-05-29 6:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 你可聯絡差人 (控方), 話當日有校內考試, 改唔到期, 要求控方就番你時間或押後. 控方會幫你安排. 但唔好無通知下唔到, 否則個官有可能會通輯你.
2. 派傳票時應附有你份口供影印本. 如果無可問差人攞. 否則上庭當日都會有得預先俾你睇番.
3. 唔使驚. 香港有法律嘛! 人人做完證人都俾人報復, 重成世界嘅! 有問題揾番個差人, 你幫完佢做證俾人報復, 佢都無面啦!

2009-05-28 22:12:52 補充:
香港法例第159章<法律執業者條例>第46(1)條 -
任何不合資格人士故意冒充律師, 或採用或使用任何名字、 名銜、 加稱或說明以默示他是合資格或獲法律承認為合資格以律師身分行事者, 即屬犯 罪, 一經循簡易程序定罪, 可處罰款$500000。

2009-05-28 23:17:55 補充:
kelvin199746兄: 係 "妨礙司法公正", 唔係 "防外司法公政". 係 "大律師", 唔係 "大律司". 而且收到傳票無解釋唔出現, 係有可能 "蔑視法庭" , 唔係 "妨礙司法公正".
閣下幾時 call bar 嘅呢, 請問?

2009-05-29 14:20:02 補充:
mr. gary: that's what i said in my answer. obviously if the exam could be re-scheduled then there would not be a need to contact the prosecution to reschedule the date of hearing. otherwise he should of course contact the prosecution to reschedule.

2009-05-29 14:21:23 補充:
if he is a witness for the defence then he would not have to worry about the accused wanting a revenge, would he? so he is obviously a witness for the prosecution.

2009-05-29 14:22:57 補充:
if he makes his fear of revenge known to the court the court would refer him back to the police, for the simple reason that the court is not a law-enforcement agency. the police is. so why should he not contact the oic at the first place of he is worried about revenge?
參考: Veni - Vidi - Vici
2009-05-29 4:49 pm
Both of you are not entirely correct.

1. When you sign the subpoena, the signature acknowledged you have received it. If you can't attend, you have 2 choices:

a. Request your exam to be re-schedule (by the proof of subpoena)

b. Contact the party who request the subpoena about re-scheduling (subpoena is not necessary for the prosecution only, but also for the defense).

2. Yes.

3. You can discuss your concern to the court and see the court can accommodate you.

2009-05-29 7:07 am
2009-05-29 6:49 am
同意 peterchan7708 的回答,
2009-05-29 6:15 am

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