drum circle 點解?

2009-05-28 10:15 pm
Pls explain the following sentence:
This week many of the world's smartest humanitarians will be in New York City for the Clinton Global initiative, a gathering that is half policy briefing and half drum circle.
Thanks, 我本人實不通!

回答 (1)

2009-06-01 8:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
Drum circle 原意是指一群不限數目的鼓手圍圈, 然後以敲擊樂器, 一般是手打鼓, 輪流敲擊, 打出不同節奏, 從中尋求音樂感和樂趣。

在會議上, drum circle 應是指會員輪流發言, 從中尋找主調看法, 或找尋共識, 從而制定未來行動或計劃。

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