
2009-05-28 9:03 pm
We are sorry to tell you that the autograph we sent you last time is the best we can provide, if you would want our actors photos, please go to our facebook group to download.

You can leave a message in the group, then our actors will reply you when they see it.

Thank you very much for your support! We hope to keep in touch with you!

回答 (3)

2009-05-28 10:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
We are sorry to tell you that the autograph we sent you last time is the best we can provide, if you would want our actors photos, please go to our facebook group to download.
對不起, 我們上次寄上(或提供)的手稿(或親筆簽名)是目前最理想的, 如果你想要演員的照片, 請到"facebook"下載。

You can leave a message in the group, then our actors will reply you when they see it.
你或可在留言處(或留言組)留言, 我們的演員看到後會回覆你。

Thank you very much for your support! We hope to keep in touch with you!
多謝支持! 希望可與你保持聯絡。
2009-05-28 9:54 pm


非常為了你的支援感激你! 我們希望與你保持聯繫!
2009-05-28 9:51 pm
我們感到抱歉告訴你親筆簽名我們把上次派遣了給了你是我們能提供的最好,如果你將會想要我們的演員相片,請歸於我們的 facebook 小組下載。

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