
2009-05-28 10:02 am
偷如 : the thief , with three..咁la..
連續兩個字有 "條舌頭系上下牙之間"既音....

回答 (4)

2009-05-28 10:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
2009-05-29 9:06 am


2009-05-28 3:42 pm
re:"- all people in Hong Kong speak only Chinese? !
- No one speak Chinese in Canada ? !
- i can't write ...!!??.... "

Are you out of your fu*king little mind,you always so stupid or is today a special occasion?I'm in Hong Kong now and I speak 5 different languages.
yes, you got that right,you can't write nor speak.
you must be a small minded retarded.LOL

2009-05-28 07:44:44 補充:
ur English still suckzzzzz

2009-05-28 08:01:01 補充:
ppl in HK only speak Chinese..get the fu*k out of here, moron.
ps. your English is very bad,how come it is bad, is it not your first language or do u just find it hard?...or u just plain stupid 。
*对不起啦,我的英文不太好 o(n_n)o lesles9 李莞
2009-05-28 12:49 pm
you know it's very hard, 'cause your in hk now right? all people speak chinese.

i suck at english the first time i came to canada... this kind of things like how well you can speak in english, you have to do it everyday.

i did it everyday, well of course 'cause no one speak chinese there, thats how i got use to it. even now i still got some problems

the thief or with three?? not that hard actually, to me is just easy as hell = =.... you just have to do it everyday.

ok i know, i can speak but can's write, so if anything i wrote doesn't make sense then... hahahaXD lol..
參考: me~

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