公司法 簽約無用公司信紙

2009-05-28 9:05 am
請問可否幫忙用簡單英文作答以下四個問題, 用公司法加少少解釋就可, 吾該 :

1. J 開了公司叫 N Ltd 做電子零件, J 代表 N Ltd 同 B 公司簽約訂電子零件, 在 PO 有句 Sign for & on behalf of N Ltd, 除這句外, 這張紙沒有這公司名, 即不是用公司信紙簽, 原來 N Ltd 是 Insolvent 資不扺債, 不能付款, 問 J 個人需吾需要負責 ?
答是需要, 因無用公司信紙

2. 膠印可否代公司的 materialic steel 印? 答是不可

3. C & F 想做生意, 決定開 Partnership, 名叫 C & F Corp 得吾得, 有無責任
答是 不可, 因Corp 是 Ltd, Partnership 是無限, 只可用 Co

3. Partnership 可否用有限公司
答是不可, 因是無限公司

4. L是 會計師, 原來有個客, 要求佢做佢公司 Director,要委任, 會計師想在佢的employee contract 內加入一個條款, 話如果佢做錯野, 需要負任何責任
答是不可, 因Director 是要負責

回答 (1)

2009-05-28 7:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. I think the major issue is if J knows the company is insolvent, he must not sign on any agreement to held out the company is still in good shape and in the ordinary course of business. The usage of the company's letterhead is only another issue.
2. The common seal is used with the approval of the board of directors and is usually used in a very important document needed to be signed, selaed and delivered.
3. All partners are joint and severally persoanlly liable for the debts of the partnership business.
4. Directors are all binded by their acts on behalf of the company. He must acts in good faith or else he is personally liable for his wrongful acts. This is well defined in the Companies Ordinance and in general law.

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