想問有關 政府公務員綜合招聘考試 試題

2009-05-28 5:26 am
請問政府公務員綜合招聘考試有冇pass paper 可以讀 ga?
如有, 可以在邊度買或者 download 呢?

回答 (2)

2009-05-31 8:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
You may go to some websites (e.g. http://www2.uwants.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=577&page=1) covering discussions of government vacancies. On there, people discuss the questions that were asked in the past. You may treat the websites as unofficial channels to gather some ''past papers''.

Or, simply do a search in foxy. You may find something useful.
參考: I am working for ImmD.
2009-05-29 10:33 pm
綜合招聘考試係沒有「攞正牌」的pass paper的
如果想知點考, 只係可以睇公務員事務局果幾條例題
參考: 自己

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