509396 用smartone

2009-05-28 3:22 am
I use smartone 至抵talk, and I send luckoff and cutoff to 509396 for a few times, then it still send message to me! what can i do? I don't want tolet my mum know i just add 100$ to my card and one week it becomes 14$ left! plzzzzz help me!

回答 (2)

2009-06-09 11:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
509396既公司係叫 MPOUCHE HK LTD 電話 : 24136810


These people are bloodsuckers. You need to call them directly and ask for cancellation immediately. Company name is called Mpouche HK Ltd. and their telephone number is: 24136810.

Wanna complain?

郵遞:香港灣仔皇后大道東 213 號胡忠大廈 29 樓 
電話:2961 6333

2009-05-28 8:41 am
Because the SMS was sent by the information supplier, you need asj them stop to send u SMS directly

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