
2009-05-27 11:08 pm
我想問下澳洲移民做citizen同permanent residence嘅分別呀

permanent residence 係咪唔使stay夠四年都得呢?



回答 (3)

2009-05-27 11:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Citizen - 公民

Australian citizen able to have the Australian passport, and have the right to enter and stay in Australia freely. Also, Australian citizens who are living outside Australia when their children are born are able to register those children as Australian citizens at any Australian diplomatic mission overseas. This means that their children will also have access to all the privileges of Australian citizenship even though they were not born in Australia.

PR - 居民
The permanent resident are permitted to remain in Australia indefinitely. The five (5) years visa also allows you to travel to and enter Australia for five (5) years from the date the visa is granted. The expiry of this visa does not affect your permanent resident status if you are in Australia. However, if you wish to continue to travel to and from Australia as a permanent resident after the initial visa has expired, you must obtain a Resident Return Visa (RRV). Your eligibility for an RRV will depend on the period that you have resided in Australia. This visa allows you to leave and enter Australia as often as you want, within the validity period of the visa, while maintaining your status as a permanent resident.

PR can't have the benefits such as (unemployment allowance)
But PR can have a benefits such as (first home owner boost)

2009-05-27 15:51:03 補充:
如果你要由居民 (好似香港D新移民) 變成公民 (好似香港D有香港身份證三粒星) 係需要stay夠四年 + 申請!

2009-05-27 15:51:32 補充:
希望幫到你!! ^_^
2009-05-30 11:20 am
我想問下澳洲移民做citizen同permanent residence嘅分別呀

No offend, but the info above is a bit wrong.......

Citizenship and Permanent Reisdent basically have the same right and receive the same benefit.

Benefit offer to Citizens will also offer to PR if such person have stay in Australia for 2 years and in Australia, we do not have Unemployment Benefit, you either collect new start or youth allowance......

permanent residence 係咪唔使stay夠四年都得呢?

Depend on what PR visa you apply, if you apply direct visa like independent skill migration visa, you can become PR immediately (Well, bar from the waiting time for your application)

but if you apply those indirect visa, you need to wait. Say Marriage visa needed 3 years waiting period now. Most Business Visa need to wait for 4-5 years.


Again. Benefit are the same, what you can collect as a Citizens, you can collect it as PR, apart from the Study Loan (HECS-HELP and FEE-HELP) which is not avaliable to PR. All financial social security you can collect even if you only a PR, but you must lived in Australia for 2 year to qualify it.

THe only different between PR and Citizens are; you cannot apply certain government position if you are PR, you do not have the right to vote, and you do not have the right of Australia Passport as well as COnsulate protection. That's it.
2009-05-30 7:59 am
thank you so much ar!! =)

but what's the requirement of applying PR? Is it difficult to be approved?

Also, in fact my family want to migrat to aust. If I become a PR, can i get them to there or i must be a citizen to do so?

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