Physics lab question plz help!?

2009-05-27 6:33 am
I was doing a pulses lab(transverse pulses),but i don't understand this question at all. I don't know what is he asking, especially the first one.
1)What determines the speed, the length, and the amplitude of the pulse?
2)What do your findings for the relationship of the amplitudes and lengths of pulses in springs tell you about the relationship between the amplitudes and wavelengths of waves in water?
For the first question, i knew that the speed does not depend the amplitude, but what about the length? Anyway, this two question is confusing...
Plz if any pro can help me!!

回答 (1)

2009-05-29 6:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The relationship between velocity v, frequency f, and wavelength λ of any wave (air, water, sound, whatever) is

v = f λ

You already know that velocity v does not depend on amplitude. This equation predicts that the length λ is also independent of amplitude.

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