乞求一句等效翻譯 ...

2009-05-27 4:01 am
個細路哥喺度 R 緊 jer jer.

回答 (4)

2009-06-08 7:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
That tot is giving himself a scratch on his goolies/pecker/dong/willie/shaft/wiener/prick/willy/pole/rod/ding dong/peter/winkie.


winkie = a small dick/cock/penis

A good word for this sentence.

"ding dong" would be suitable as well.

2009-06-03 1:35 am
that child is tickling/scratching his cock...
參考: just something about slang
2009-06-03 1:02 am
The kid is toying with his dick.
2009-05-27 7:34 am

The child is scratching his penis


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