
2009-05-26 10:30 pm
Heidi said to Stella , 'I can ride a horse


Heidi told Stella that she could ride a horse

我想問點解said 要轉 told , 而 can 要轉could


回答 (2)

2009-05-26 10:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我想問點解said 要轉 told
如果你係 Heidi, 你同 Stella講, 就用 said。
但如果你係這兩人以外的人, 即你係 Fanny, 你想講俾你的朋友聽, 亞 Heidi 同 Stella 講過咁既說話, 你係複述, 所以用told,
而 can 要轉could
你係將人哋句說話重講俾其他人聽, 整句便要改為過去式, 所以要轉過去式 could。
2009-05-27 4:24 am
呢個是reported speech啊
幾時先會用到reported speech or咩情況下會用????!!

A told you something IN THE PAST and you have to tell B

what A said to you<----------------

NOW YOU ARE B<---------


A: I am very happy.

B: Good to hear that.


B:( you) A told me that A was very happy.<----Reported speech

Peter= A

Peter told me that he was very happy. <---------------

C: Oh I see.


In " reported speech", we have to be careful with the tenses, pronouns,

and time signifiers.


Helen said, "I want to talk to my brother now." <-------( Helen said it to you IN THE PAST)

Helen said she wanted to talk to her brother then.( REPORTED SPEECH )

I -----------> she she = pronoun

my brother ------------> her brother her = pronoun

want ----------------------> wanted ( tense)

now-------------------------> then time signifier


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