
2009-05-26 10:17 pm

water lili in the rain forest Giant Water Lily - Amazing Victoria Amazonicas 3m-diameter and carry a weight of 45kg http://plantwerkz.blogspot.com/2009/01/amazing-victoria-amazonicas.html Gunnera manicata (大葉蟻塔、根乃拉草) or giant rhubarb, 10 feet by 10 feet on a mature plant.


Gunnera manicata around 7feet http://imagenes.infojardin.com/updown/images/klz1184364768t.jpg Amazing Victoria Amazonicas around 7feet http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_vQx5MVKqhxs/SXSj7jR7P2I/AAAAAAAAAWo/jsdz39WaNDs/s1600-h/Giant+Water+Lily+Victoria+Amazonica+with+baby.jpg

回答 (2)

2009-05-28 1:09 am
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I think it is water lili in the rain forest
2009-05-27 12:06 am
Gunnera manicata (大葉蟻塔、根乃拉草) or giant rhubarb, is anornamental plant in the Gunneraceae family, and is native to Brazil.
The underside of the leaf and the whole stalk have spikes on them. The leaves of Gunnera grow to an impressive size. Leaves with diameters well in excess of four feet are commonplace, with a spread of 10 feet by 10 feet on a mature plant.

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