
2009-05-26 9:58 pm
我想問會計師or 註冊左專業的會計師底薪的多少?

在外國讀會計是否'興香'd, '驚貴' d ?


最高人工可以有幾多 ? 大概要做多少年 ? thx

回答 (3)

2009-05-26 11:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) First assuem your meaning of 會計師 = Accountant (not account clerk / assistant) and 註冊左專業的會計師 = practicing qualified accountant (pass all exam paper in your會計師公會 + working experiences )
In year 2009, 會計師 (3-6 yrs)底薪 around HK$16,000 - HK$20,000
註冊專業的會計師 (5-8 yrs) 底薪 around HK$25,000 - HK$32,000
2) 在外國讀會計是否'興香'd, '驚貴' d?
In my opinion, i don't think so as far as I know that Hong Kong Big4 will hire local graduate than oversea as the local know the Hong Kong Tax and Law better than those from oversea. However, the "speaking" skill (in English) may be better than the local and is a advantage as well.

2009-05-26 15:44:23 補充:
希望幫到你!! ^_^
參考: 5
2009-05-27 5:59 pm

一般 Qualified Accountant , 工作經驗2-3年, 在市場 around $12k-20k, 當然再多年經驗同埋不同公司任職, 會相差很遠.

外國讀唔覺得會 "貴" d.

最高人工? 好難講喎 師兄.. 都要睇公司啦.. 幾十萬一年, 到幾千萬 到上億都有添.

匯訊會計 熱線: 82061801(香港)
網站: http://www.info-pacific.com

參考: 匯訊會計 報稅 核數 稅務 成立公司 http://www.info-pacific.com
2009-05-26 10:54 pm
Accountant may mean a post and not necessary a professional accountant. The salary ranges are very wide. An accountant depending on the post in the company may has a salary of around $12,000 but for newly professional accountant, a salary of around $15,000 to $20,000 depending on working experience.
No. There is no preferential advantage for those studied accounting in foreign countries. There is now a tendency in Hong Kong that accountant may need to have a good standard of Chinese and English and can speak Putongua as well.

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