
2009-05-26 7:38 pm

回答 (2)

2009-05-28 3:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
先講NDS先啦!nds係2個畫面...一個係睇一個係玩....要用筆玩既~~不過最衰係d game唔真...好假呀...所以nds都唔係有好多人玩...psp最好就係夠多game...各式各樣都有~~帶出街玩同係屋企玩都得~又輕wo~psp2000同3000就係薄機黎~~超輕!d色又多~幾靚!不過最唔好係要等破解同埋拎去比人改機...3000宜家平~如果想買就要快d買...唔係等佢破解左會升價!仲有邊個話冇得dl game架...你想dl咩game都有啦...不過要等佢破解哂先玩得~我班入面成日都連線打機~~幾得意架xd
參考: me
2009-05-27 3:05 am
are you silly nds can download gane psp too. you go to some selling psp shop and you can ask them can they 改機 than once you have 改機you can go to some of the website and download game to your be honest some the download game have some proplem, like it have no sound, the image is not clear orit can't save...

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