
2009-05-26 8:05 am
1.But are you aware that what
you are doing is illegal?

2.I'll cue you in by nodding my head

3.I'm not finished yet?
文法有錯嗎?不是應寫成I've not finished yet?

4.During our vacations we used to play together and while at school
We used to study together and sit next to each other
sit唔使轉過去式?係咪因為used to?

5.Someone who want the same things that
you do out of life
"out of life"既意思是?

6.Causing those who yearn for family
to act out in anger

7.Desire,it's an emotion designed to lead us

8./what better place to celebrate them?
what同better place漏了什麼字?

9.it's the room they'll be staying on
whenever you come to visit

回答 (2)

2009-05-26 9:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.But are you aware that what
you are doing is illegal?
答: 三個 verbs. Aware 係 adjective, 去形容前面個 you.
第一個 are 跟 第一個 you。 第=個 are 跟 第二個 you。Is 係跟個 noun phrase "what you are doing"。

2.I'll cue you in by nodding my head
答:用 "will cue" 因為講的是將會做的事。

3.I'm not finished yet?
文法有錯嗎?不是應寫成I've not finished yet?
答:两樣都得。"am not finished" 是 adjective,"have not finished" 是 verb. 解法一樣。

4.During our vacations we used to play together and while at school
We used to study together and sit next to each other
sit唔使轉過去式?係咪因為used to?
答: 係。"used to" 係個 idiom。個 "to" 字同跟住個 verb 用作 infinitive。呢句原本係 "we used to study together, and we used to sit next to each other", 簡化為 "we used to study together and sit next to each other",所以 "sit" 唔使轉過去式。

5.Someone who want the same things that
you do out of life
"out of life"既意思是?
答: 從人生中

6.Causing those who yearn for family
to act out in anger
(1) They changed the tax law, causing those who yearn for family to act our in anger.
(2) The change in tax law cause those who yearn for family to act out in anger.

7.Desire,it's an emotion designed to lead us
答:因為係 passive voice "Desire is designed to ...."。

8./what better place to celebrate them?
what同better place漏了什麼字?
答: "what better place" 原本係 "what is a better place"。, 個common saying "what better place" 簡畧咗 "is a"。

9.it's the room they'll be staying on
whenever you come to visit
答:唔知點解。似乎 "in"先至啱。希望其它人可以幫到。

2009-05-26 04:23:08 補充:
transposition error in (1): noun phrase should be "what are you doing".
參考: 自已意見, eslf
2009-05-26 7:48 pm
001's answer is very clear. Well done! His answer should be picked as the best answer.

I would like to chip in my two cents.

1. I agree that it is better to use "in" in 9.

2. In "5.Someone who want the same things that you do out of life", it should be "wants" instead of "want".

3. The noun clause "what you are doing" is ok.

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