I am currently 188 lbs. and just found out?

2009-05-25 6:01 pm
I am currently 188 lbs. and just found out last night that I am pregnant. I have been working out and that make me feel really good about myself, however I do worry about gaining alot more weight while I am or was trying to lose weight. My question is... what is there that you all can recommend that i do and eat to gain less weight throughout my pregancy. Obviously I would never want to hurt my baby but I would like to be able to keep up with him or her after he/she is born. Please any suggestions?

回答 (6)

2009-05-25 6:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Keep working out and eating sensibly. You may actually lose weight rather than gain weight. Don't obsess about it though. People who are on the heavier side don't need to gain as much weight as slender people. You may only gain 10 or 15 lbs. Good luck and congratulations.
2009-05-25 7:04 pm
The baby will benefit from healthy eating and regular exercise, so if you keep up with your healthy eating and regular exercise, the weight you gain will be all baby (well, and placenta, water, etc.).

Throughout your pregnancy you'll get cravings for salt and sugar and fat. Try to limit those intake as too much salt and sugar will cause your body to retain water (not just weight-wise, but it can cause numbness in wrists, ankles, etc.). Before you put anything into your mouth, ask yourself how is it going to benefit your baby. It's ok to give in to sweets and salt once in awhile, but you don't have to be eating ice-cream, cake, cookies, fries, chips on a daily basis. Try to stick to healthier food options (fruits, vegetables, lean protein, whole grains). Not only will these baby be healthier, you'll also feel better knowing you're fueling your body and your baby's with good quality foods. One thing I learned is don't count calories when you're pregnant. They say all you need is an extra 300 calories for baby, but dealing with nausea and all other "joys" of pregnancy is already enough hassle, the last thing I want to do is count my daily calorie intake. Just eat whenever you're hungry and stop when you're full (trust me, you'll know and baby will also let you know when you need to stop). One more thing, you get folic acid and fiber from fruits/vegetables/whole grain - folic acid is crucial for baby and you'll want fiber to help with constipation (other "joy" of being pregnant).

Also, continue to exercise. You may want to reduce the intensity of your workout, but do know that regular cardio activity is good for you an your baby and most of all, it helps build up your endurance for labor later on. The better shape you're in the easier your labor's going to be because your body will have the stamina to carry you through the pushing, etc. Try yoga, walking and swimming. Exercise will also help you sleep better during your pregnancy and reduce muscle cramp (moderate exercise).
參考: 34wks, been doing my best to stay healthy (eating healthy and swimming twice/three times a week). Gained 16 pounds so far, and baby right on track health-wise.
2009-05-25 6:19 pm
I had just started a workout plan to lose weight from my last two pregnancies when I found out I was pregnant this time around. I admit I was a little bummed about the whole weight gain thing. I wasn't looking forward to putting on all sorts of extra weight I didn't actually need. I vowed I would not gain too much weight. Of course I wouldn't "diet", just eat reasonably and kick that whole...."you're eating for two" thing right out the window! I started off my pregnancy at 138 and for being only 5ft 2in that is more than I wanted to weigh. It's not overweight, but it's not ideal for me. I'm 33 weeks and I have gained 17lbs. I watch what I eat as much as possible. Of course I do give in every now and then but I do not EVER eat fast food. Never have...so that one is easy. I do not drink soda, or eat chips, candy and junk. I eat a lot of fruit and veggies...probably too many carbs and not enough protein.... But I'm trying. I have a very hard time exercising because I have a pelvic problem. So I have managed to only gain 17lbs by eating reasonably and walking short distances. I'm happy. The baby is measuring right on target and my doctor is happy with my gain. You don't have to gain a ton of weight. It's not healthy and it's darn hard to lose after.
參考: 33 weeks 1 day with #3
2009-05-25 6:19 pm
Drink lots of water. Eliminate sweets and caffeine. Stay active. With my first I didn't gain any weight at all. Since I was slightly over weight at the time my doctor said that was fine. In fact after I had him I had lost weight.
參考: experience
2009-05-25 6:12 pm
Ok what is recommend for someone who is currently overweight at the time of their pregnancy is to gain no more that 20lbs. What I suggest is that you go to a Nutritional Website or to the link I posted below. The main thing is to stay away from EMPTY calories (soda and candy) and WHITE starches (potatoes, WHITE bread) because they EASILY turn to sugar and that turns into FAT. Continue working out and a pace that you feel comfortable at and consult your physician if you have any major weight concerns. You will be fine, but it will take a little will power to stop your self form having that extra piece of cake at the Baby Shower! :-)
I hope I could help
2009-05-25 6:07 pm
well the answer is no.... take this time to actually eat without regrets...
and you can worry about the weight loss or gain after the baby.. remeber you r eating for two.. and the weight will subside after the pregnancy good luck and congrats.
參考: mother 0f 5 expecting #6

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