Question about my Dog :) (Pic)?

2009-05-25 10:15 am
Ive got this 5 year old Dog called Spencer! we have no idea what kind of dog he is :) and im hoping that some one can tell me :)

回答 (11)

2009-05-25 10:32 am
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What a gorgeous boy. He's so shiny!

He is definitely a mixed breed. I can see some Labrador in there (head shape, eyes, muzzle, size), plus maybe some German Short-haired Pointer or Weimeraner (he has that strong lean shape with the short coat and whippy tail). He could have a few different breeds influencing his look. Doesn't really matter as long as you love him and look after him well.
2009-05-25 5:20 pm
Hey, I'm not sure, but he looks like he has some Labrador in him.. our next door neighbours dog looks EXACTLY like him! I thought it was him for a sec, lol. But yeah, sorry but I am pretty sure he has some Labrador but thats all I know.
2009-05-25 5:40 pm
Definitely a labrador cross. hard to tell what the cross is though because the black lab seems to dominate most of his appearance, but there's something else in there.
2009-05-25 5:32 pm
looks like a black labrador to me
2009-05-25 5:23 pm
Agh bless him.

I think you can tell a lot by a dog's eyes, and he looks like he has a very gentle nature - lovely.

I guess we could all take guesses but to be honest there could be so many things in there if a mix was bred with a mix that it is hard to distinguish.

I guess if pushed I would say some lab in there and some greyhound in there, but it's a longshot.

He looks very loving and loyal.
2009-05-25 5:22 pm
He's absolutely beautiful. Gorgeous brown eyes! I love black dogs. Where did you get him? I would definitely say he's a black lab. (as in Labrador retriever)
2009-05-25 5:21 pm
he looks like a labrador retreiver
2009-05-25 10:10 pm
he's a labrador retriever or also known as golden labrador..
combination of a labrador and a golden retriever,..

why?.. labrador retriever's have the long ears of a golden retriever and the short fur of a labrador..
..and beside I have the same dog as yours, though mine is only 2 years old

hope this helps @__@
2009-05-25 6:01 pm
He definitely has some black lab in him. I recently saw a DNA Testing kit at Petsmart that you just swab you dog's mouth and send it in to the lab and they send you the results telling you what breeds your dog is. I've been thinking about doing this for my puppy.
2009-05-25 5:19 pm
hes a black dog! thats all!

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