al simon chiang notes

2009-05-26 4:02 am
我想問08-09 al simon chiang (全f.6,f.7 regular)有多少個topic?
有多少tas book?

另外如有人放售simon notes可e-mail比我(因 fx want,價錢可議) thx~

回答 (1)

2009-05-26 9:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
F6: Chemical component(2), Cytology(2), Transport mechanism(1-2), Enzyme(2), Classification(1), Autotrophic nutrition(3),Heterotrophic nutrition(1), Respiration(2), Ecology(3), Man's Effect and his Environment(1)
F7: Transport in mammal(2), Rocky shore(1), Nervous system(1-2), Transport in plant(1-2), Hormonal coordination(1), DNA and protein synthesis(1), Genetics(2), Application of genetics(3), Health and diseases(2), Immune system(3), Reproduction(1), Thermoregulation(1), Phytohormone(1), Photoperiod+Osmoregulation(1), Free Lecture Notes(Growth and development, Metamorphosis, Sense Organ, Evolution)
TAS: Food test, Enzyme, Photosynthesis, Respiration(唔係好記得, 因為我d notes已經俾咗人)
以上數字是notes的數目,有d唔係好記得, 但希望盡力幫到你^.^
參考: 自己記憶(可能記錯,小心d)

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