your eating habit~高手請幫忙 (10點 )

2009-05-26 3:53 am
Write about your eating habit in not less than70words.

.What do you have for breakfast, lunch or dinner?
.Do you have any snakes in the afternoon?
.Do you have healthy diet?
.What should you do to have a good eating habit?

回答 (1)

2009-05-26 5:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
I usually have bread, noodles, or sometimes having eggs with sauages in breakfast. At lunchtime, I usually have a bowl of rice, a plate of meat and vegetables. Although my dinner diet is similar to the diet in lunchtime, I also have a bowl of soup.
(I guess you're talking about "snack")
No, I haven't since having snack is unhealthy to me and it'll make me full after having snack.
Yes, I guess so. But sometimes I may not because I have meat more than vegetables.
- To have a good eating habit, the most important thing is to have more vegetables but less meat. Also, eating snack should be avoided.

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