Investment knowledge

2009-05-26 3:30 am
Can anyone explain the meaning of "RSI" and P/B?

Thank you!

回答 (2)

2009-05-26 6:29 pm
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1) RSI -
相對強弱指數(Relative Strength Index,RSI),是用以分析一定期間內(例如七日及十四日)價格變動的關係,並依其預測未來價格變動的指針,是依據股價升跌動力來預測股價的一種方法。

相对强弱指数(RSI) = 100 - [100/(1 + RS)]

RS = (某时段内的上升平均值)/( 某时段内的下跌平均值)
n= 日数 (一般以九天及十四天居多)

RSI 介乎0至100間,當指數達70或以上時,便進入了超買區域,意指股價有機會短期內下跌,而當指數下跌至30或以下,則進入了超賣區域,意指股價有機會短期內反彈。

當然這個70及30只是一個大概,並不表示當指數一到70或30時,便會實時上升或下跌,因為股價可以超買完再超買,或超賣之後再超賣。 另外,市場一般慣以九天及十四的相對強弱指數作為分析股價走勢的方法,天數越短,股價敏感度越高,即大有機會觸及70及30區間,錯誤性機會較大。反之天數越長的相對強弱指數則敏感度便較低,較少觸及70及30區間,但滯後性卻較大。

2) P/B -

股價淨值比 (Price to Book Ratio), 又名市账率指每股市价除以每股净资产,通常作为股票平贵的指标之一。

P/B 特别在评估高风险企业,或资产大量为实物资产的企业时, 受到重视。 比如银行股.

P/B = 每股市价/每股净资产
2009-05-26 6:20 pm
What Does Relative Strength Index - RSI Mean?
A technical momentum indicator that compares the magnitude of recent gains to recent losses in an attempt to determine overbought and oversold conditions of an asset. It is calculated using the following formula:
RSI = 100 - 100/(1 + RS) where RS = Average of x days' up closes / Average of x days' down closes. RSI ranges from 0 to 100. An asset is deemed to be overbought once the RSI approaches the 70 level, meaning that it may be getting overvalued and is a good candidate for a pullback. Likewise, if the RSI approaches 30, it is an indication that the asset may be getting oversold and therefore likely to become undervalued.
What Does Price-To-Book Ratio - P/B Ratio Mean?
A ratio used to compare a stock's market value to its book value. It is calculated by dividing the current closing price of the stock by the latest quarter's book value per share. Also known as the "price-equity ratio".
P/B = Stock price / [Total Assets - (Intangible Assets + Total Liabilities)]
A lower P/B ratio could mean that the stock is undervalued. However, it could also mean that something is fundamentally wrong with the company. As with most ratios, be aware that this varies by industry. This ratio also gives some idea of whether you're paying too much for what would be left if the company went bankrupt immediately.

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