Math equation percentage?

2009-05-24 9:00 am
what percentage is 38.4 of 47.7

回答 (8)

2009-05-24 9:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
= 100%(38.4/47.7)
= 100%([10/3{38.4}]/[10/3{47.7}])
= 100%(128/159)
= 12,800/159% OR 80 80/159%

Answer: 80 80/159% OR 80.50 50/159%
2009-05-26 10:33 pm
If, 47.7 = 100%, => (47.7/47.7) * 100 = 100%

Then 38.4 of 47.7 => (38.4/47.7) * 100 => (0.8050) * 100 => 80.50%

ANSWER : 80.50%
2009-05-24 4:44 pm
80.50% Ans
2009-05-24 4:16 pm
what percentage is 38.4 of 47.7 ?

Let x % be of 47.7 = 38.4
So x*47.7 / 100 = 38.4
OR x = 38.4*(100)/47.7 = 0.81
Thus 81 % of 47.7 is 38.4
Answer is 81 %.
2009-05-24 4:12 pm
2009-05-24 4:07 pm
38.4/47.7 x 100=~80.5
2009-05-24 4:06 pm
38.4/47.7 x 100%
= 3840/47.7 %
≈ 80.5%
2009-05-24 4:06 pm
80.5 %

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