Solve 4x^2=28, What are the solutions?

2009-05-24 8:39 am
What are the solutions?
What are the x-intercepts?

回答 (7)

2009-05-24 10:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
4x² = 28
x² = 7
x = +/- √7 OR +/- 2.6457513

Answer: x = 2.6457513, - 2.6457513
2009-05-24 8:45 am
x = sqrt(7) = +/- 2.65
2009-05-24 8:45 am
x^2=28/ 4
x= sq rt (7) and sq rt ( - 7)
2009-05-24 9:07 am
Howdy Mish_Eldy & I sure hope all is well. :)

As for your question,

4X^2 = 28

First, in order to solve for X, it must be isolated:

of any coefficients (the coefficient here is 4),

of any exponents (the exponent here is 2)

& of the negative sign, if it has one, meaning -- X. Here X is already positive.

So, we begin by dividing both sides of the equation by 4. We get:

(Note: It is necessary to perform the same operation, here it's divide, on both sides of the equation, so as to maintain the equality. Just as you have to add the same amount of weight to both sides of a scale to keep it level, it's no different for an equation.)

(4X^2)/4 = 28/4

Simplifying yields:

X^2 = 7

Next, we take the square root of both sides of the equation by raising both sides to the power of 1/2. We get:

(X^2)^(1/2) = 7^(1/2)

Simplifying yields:

X = +/-- 7^(1/2) (approximately) = +/-- 2.64575

(Note: +/-- means + or --. It is important to include both, since both are valid values. If you were to plug in -- 2 into your calculator & squared it, you'd get 4. & if you plugged in 2 & squared it, you'd still get 4. So when taking the square root of a number, remember to consider & include both roots, unless you are told to limit your answers to positive values only.)

I sure hope that was clear & helpful enough. :) Good luck, take care, & have a great day. :)

Cheers! :)
參考: What I learned in High School Math, especially Calculus.
2009-05-24 9:00 am
4x^2 = 28
x^2 = 28/4
x = ±√7
2009-05-24 8:52 am
x=+(7^1/2) and x=-(7^1/2)
2009-05-24 8:46 am

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