Science question......

2009-05-25 4:37 am
How does cochlea affect hearing if it does not function?Why?

回答 (1)

2009-05-25 5:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
The cochlea is filled with a watery liquid, which moves in response to the vibrations coming from the middle ear via the oval window. As the fluid moves, thousands of "hair cells" are set in motion, and convert that motion to electrical signals that are communicated via neurotransmitters to many thousands of nerve cells. These primary auditory neurons transform the signals into electrical impulses known as action potentials, which travel along the auditory nerve to structures in the brainstem for further processing.

if it does not function the  electrical signals   can’t trans to the brain and can’t hear the sound

1.Suggest TWO possible defects in eyeball which cause short sight.

the eye ball too long 

the cornea is too steep

For people with Presbyopia whose eye's lense can not accommodate enough for very near focus; reading glasses helps converge the light before it enters the eye to complement the refractive power of the eye lens so near objects focuses clearly on the retina.

The reasoning behind convex lense's possible effectiveness in preventing myopia is simple to understand: Convex lenses's refractive property of converging light are used in reading glasses to help reduce the accommodation needed when reading and doing close work
參考: 保良局馬錦明中學 4e rain lee

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