翻譯以下句子 Thanks a lot! 20點!

2009-05-25 4:22 am
翻譯以下句子做中文就可以 (唔接受用translator)

- You must drink eight 8oz. glasses of water daily (64 oz. total per day).

- At any meal you may eat until you are full.

- You must eat the minimum listed at each meal. (yep, this diet list the minimum you should eat).

- You cannot eliminate anything from the diet. Especially the bacon at breakfast and the salads.You must eat the bacon and salads. These combinations of food burn the fat, omitting one part of the combination will cause the whole thing not to work.

- The grapefruit juice is important because it acts as a catalyst that starts the burning process. Don't add or reduce the amount of juice.

- Cut down on coffee, it affects the insulin balance that hinders the burning process. Try to limit to 1 cup at meal time.

- Don't eat between meals. If you eat the suggested foods you will not get hungry.

- You can fry food in butter and use butter generously on vegetables.

- Do not eat desserts, breads, and white vegetables or sweet potatoes.

- You may double or triple helpings of meat, salad or vegetables.

- Eat until you are stuffed. The more you eat the more weight you will lose.

- Stay on the diet 12 days, then stop the diet for 2 days and repeat.


回答 (5)

2009-05-25 7:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
- You must drink eight 8oz. glasses of water daily (64 oz. total per day).
你每天必须喝八杯八安士的水 (一天總計六十四安士).
按 : oz. 安士 又譯 盎司 或 英兩

- At any meal you may eat until you are full.

- You must eat the minimum listed at each meal. (yep, this diet list the minimum you should eat).
你每餐的食量必须達到列出的最小分量. (是的,這瘦身餐列出你最小要吃的分量)

按 : diet 瘦身餐 又譯 餐單

- You cannot eliminate anything from the diet. Especially the bacon at breakfast and the salads.You must eat the bacon and salads. These combinations of food burn the fat, omitting one part of the combination will cause the whole thing not to work.
瘦身餐中你什麼都不能剔除. 特别是在早餐的煙肉和沙拉. 你必须吃煙肉和沙拉. 這些食物組合燃燒脂肪, 省略組合的一部分會導致整個計劃失敗.

按 : bacon 煙肉 又譯 培根

- The grapefruit juice is important because it acts as a catalyst that starts the burning process. Don't add or reduce the amount of juice.
西柚汁之所以重要是因為它是啟動燒脂過程的一個催化劑. 不要增加或減少(西柚)汁的數量.

按 : grapefruit 西柚 又譯 葡萄柚

- Cut down on coffee, it affects the insulin balance that hinders the burning process. Try to limit to 1 cup at meal time.
少喝咖啡, 它影響胰島素的平衡,阻礙燒脂過程。盡量在每餐限制1杯.

- Don't eat between meals. If you eat the suggested foods you will not get hungry.
不要在每餐之間進食. 你如果吃建議的食物你就不會覺得肚餓.

- You can fry food in butter and use butter generously on vegetables.

- Do not eat desserts, breads, and white vegetables or sweet potatoes.

- You may double or triple helpings of meat, salad or vegetables.

- Eat until you are stuffed. The more you eat the more weight you will lose.
吃到完全飽肚為止. 你吃得越多你減重減得更多.

- Stay on the diet 12 days, then stop the diet for 2 days and repeat.
堅持跟著瘦身餐12天, 停2天後再重複.
參考: 在北美超過10年. 講,寫英文過多中文.
2009-05-26 8:40 am
- You must drink eight 8oz. glasses of water daily (64 oz. total per day).

- At any meal you may eat until you are full.

- You must eat the minimum listed at each meal. (yep, this diet list the minimum you should eat).

- You cannot eliminate anything from the diet. Especially the bacon at breakfast and the salads.You must eat the bacon and salads. These combinations of food burn the fat, omitting one part of the combination will cause the whole thing not to work.

- The grapefruit juice is important because it acts as a catalyst that starts the burning process. Don't add or reduce the amount of juice.

- Cut down on coffee, it affects the insulin balance that hinders the burning process. Try to limit to 1 cup at meal time.

--您必須喝8八盎司杯水(每天64盎司總每天) 。


-您必須吃的最低列出每餐。 (是的,這飲食列出最低你應該吃) 。









2009-05-25 5:58 am
-您必須喝8八盎司杯水(每天六十四盎司總每天) 。


-您必須吃的最低列出每餐。 (是的,這飲食列出最低你應該吃) 。










2009-05-25 4:54 am
2009-05-25 4:43 am
-您必须喝八8oz。 每日的杯水(64 oz。 每天的共計)。


-您必须吃極小值被列出在每頓膳食。 (是,這張飲食名單您應該吃)的極小值。

-您不可能從飲食消滅什么。 特别是在早餐和沙拉的煙肉。您必须吃煙肉和沙拉。 食物的這些組合燒肥胖,省去組合的一部分將造成整件事不运作。

-葡萄柚汁是重要的,因為它作為開始灼燒的過程的催化劑。 Don' t增加或減少相當数量汁液。

-减少咖啡,它影響妨害灼燒的過程的胰島素平衡。 设法限制到1個杯子在膳食时间。

- Don' t食反之間。 如果您吃建議的食物您不會得到飢餓。




-吃,直到您被充塞。 越多您吃更多重量您將丟失。


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